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Unrealized Gain

The term unrealized gain refers to an increase in the value of an asset, such as a stock position or a commodity like gold, that has yet to be sold for cash. As such, an unrealized gain is one that takes place on paper, as it has yet to be realized. An unrealized gain becomes realized once the position is sold for a profit. It is possible for an unrealized gain to be erased if the asset's value drops below the price at which it was bought.

Unrealized Gains

Definition: Unrealized gains refer to the increase in the value of assets, such as stock holdings or commodities like gold, that have not yet been sold for cash. Therefore, unrealized gains are paper gains that have not been realized. Once the holdings are sold for a profit, unrealized gains become realized gains. If the asset value falls below the purchase price, unrealized gains may be wiped out.


The concept of unrealized gains developed with the evolution of financial markets. Early financial markets were primarily based on physical transactions. As securities and commodity markets developed, investors began to focus on the value changes of assets during the holding period. The concept of unrealized gains helps investors better assess the potential returns and risks of their investment portfolios.

Categories and Characteristics

Unrealized gains can be divided into two categories: capital appreciation and income appreciation. Capital appreciation refers to the increase in asset prices, such as the rise in stock prices; income appreciation refers to the income generated by assets, such as stock dividends or bond interest. Characteristics of unrealized gains include:

  • Volatility: Unrealized gains fluctuate with market price changes.
  • Potentiality: Unrealized gains only become actual gains when the asset is sold.
  • Risk: Unrealized gains may disappear if market prices decline.

Specific Cases

Case 1: In early 2023, Xiao Ming bought 100 shares of a company at 100 yuan per share. By early 2024, the stock price had risen to 150 yuan per share. At this point, Xiao Ming's unrealized gain is (150 yuan - 100 yuan) × 100 shares = 5000 yuan. If Xiao Ming sells the stock at this time, the 5000 yuan unrealized gain will become realized gain.

Case 2: In early 2023, Xiao Hong bought 100 grams of gold at 300 yuan per gram. By early 2024, the gold price had risen to 350 yuan per gram. At this point, Xiao Hong's unrealized gain is (350 yuan - 300 yuan) × 100 grams = 5000 yuan. If Xiao Hong sells the gold at this time, the 5000 yuan unrealized gain will become realized gain.

Common Questions

Q: Do unrealized gains need to be taxed?
A: Unrealized gains usually do not need to be taxed. Only when the asset is sold and the gain is realized, capital gains tax needs to be paid according to relevant tax laws.

Q: Do unrealized gains affect investment decisions?
A: Unrealized gains can affect investors' psychology and decisions. Investors may make buy or sell decisions based on the fluctuations of unrealized gains.

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