美联储加息 “停而不止”,对美股意味着什么?分析师:6 月 LPR 报价有可能出现非对称下调国家统计局:今年以来,我国新能源汽车生产和出口都实现大幅增长港股较美股 “便宜程度” 再次触及历史较高水平亚马逊云科技在 re:Inforce 2023 全球大会上推出众多安全服务及功能"Rate cut"! The People's Bank of China has lowered the MLF rate by 10 basis points and injected a net of 37 billion yuan.美媒:推特因拖欠房租被逐出博尔德办公室新加坡股市 14 日报:新加坡航空成交量狂飙* 高盛下调京东健康目标价至 85 元 降阿里健康目标价至 6.1 元“股债性价比” 的拐点到了么?这是四个重要规律"Slash and burn" unstoppable? Temu overtakes Shein in the US marketBlackRock CEO: AI is the key to reducing inflation.Since the Fed is going to raise interest rates, why doesn't it do it all at once? Reporters are confused, and Powell made a crucial analogy.美联储 6 月 FOMC 笔记:利率还能更高“中方与阿拉伯世界加强合作又一迹象”,中国银行今年将运营首家沙特分行美联储以 “跳” 为进,主要资产会如何定价?早餐 | 美联储主席暗示降息时间,谷歌面临分拆风险在美上市中国 ETF 近期表现低迷后,期权买家因反弹希望而入场This is a Chinese text, please provide a valid input in Markdown format for translation.McKinsey: The biggest losers in the prosperity of artificial intelligence are knowledge workers.Fed Chair Powell to testify on June 21 at House panelNew Hedge Fund King Griffin: US Unlikely to Avoid Recession Next Year, Optimistic About ChinaPowell: Almost all Fed officials believe that future rate hikes will continue, and rate cuts will be a matter of years to come.特斯拉股价终于打破了 13 天连胜的记录,增加了 2000 亿美元的价值LIVE MARKETS-Tesla snaps record 13-day winning streak that cost short sellers $7 billionAs scheduled, the Fed paused its rate hikes but turned hawkish! It hinted at two more hikes and is expected to avoid a recession this year.The rotation of US stocks continues: Technology is no longer exclusive to the US, and investors are crazy about "everything else".Alphabet-C may face the risk of splitting! The EU accuses Alphabet-C of abusing its advertising monopoly position.美联储决策公布前,道指跌超百点,标普纳指转涨,特斯拉无缘 14 日连涨OpenAI+Microsoft, a seemingly mismatched technological alliance衰退已被遗忘!高盛、德银看好美股阿里集团公关团队将独立运作?知情人士:误传!AI 的里程碑!英伟达进入 “万亿俱乐部”,之后呢?美股盘前 | 欧盟监管大棒挥向谷歌,特斯拉上调 Model Y 美国售价,美银称 AMD 大幅落后英伟达增量资金来了!双柜台模式下周开启,港股将获新的流动性大行速睇 | 苹果遭 “降级”,目标价却获上调?华尔街称 “AMD 仍远远落后英伟达”Fed FOMC Preview: Pressing the Pause Button is a Done Deal, But Will They Add More After Skipping?Track Hyper | AMD's Su Zifeng: Confronting NVIDIA's Huang Renxun美联储今晚可能不会加息,以后呢?Hang Seng Index fell, while Hang Seng TECH Index rose by 0.32%. Rare earth permanent magnet stocks led the gains, with We Xiaoli leading the automotive sector.极限推演:蔚来能撑多久?Is there hope for the cryptocurrency industry? Binance may reach an agreement with the SEC to avoid asset freezes.美股期权市场的启示:往好处想,做最坏的打算!今年迄今涨逾 149% 后 仍被低估的 Palantir 值得买入