Buffett "abandons" Apple, Wall Street rushes to reassure: Don't panic, it's just a technical adjustment!苹果 iPhone 16 Pro 配色挤牙膏 蓝色版本再见Understanding the Market | Petroleum stocks continue recent declines as US non-farm payroll data significantly below expectations; institutions say oil price upside is highly limitedExclusive from Zhitong | U.S. stock market crash! Is the domino effect here? Can Hong Kong stocks seize the opportunity for wealth? What to buy?A cry of sorrow! Bitcoin short-term plummeted nearly $4,000, is the bull about to leave?快讯:港股恒指低开 1.59% 科指跌 1.53% 中海油跌近 4%Intel 股价单日跌超 26%:创 1982 年以来最大跌幅 市值仅剩 AMD 的四成AMD Zen5 多线程平均提速 18% 最多 67%!Intel 却抛弃了它Inflation remains high and struggles to keep up with global easing, will the Reserve Bank of Australia maintain a hawkish tone at the August meeting?JPMorgan Chase explains in detail the "NVIDIA chip issue": What is the problem? How long is the delay? How much impact on TSMC?三星希望成为 iPhone COMS 供应商:已成立专人团队服务苹果Ethereum fell more than 5.00% intraday, now trading at $2553 per coin, while Bitcoin dropped below the $56,000 markApple's rock-solid fundamentals position "halved"! Will Buffett's new move that swept the investment circle be imitated?英伟达 Blackwell 被曝量产前 “滑铁卢” 出货推迟恐引 “蝴蝶效应”The Federal Reserve will launch a "market rescue" mode? Traders are betting heavily!Tech stocks plunged in the night session, with Apple plummeting 5.5% and NVIDIA dropping 5%Bitcoin fell below $57,000 per coin, down 2.03% intradayAnother crash! Japanese stocks and Japanese bonds triggered circuit breakers, directly entering a bear market美股见顶信号?巴菲特狂卖苹果!段永平、但斌:不跟!“债王” 警告别抄底!After Non-Farm Payrolls, Wall Street drastically changes the script! Goldman Sachs raises the possibility of a recession in the United States next yearThe U.S. stock market plummeted, will the A-share market break out of its "independent trend"?减半苹果持仓 巴菲特回归现金策略Substantial rate cuts inevitable? Recession shadow looms over bond market, traders urgently call on the Fed to rescue the marketBreakfast | Buffett's Apple holdings halved, Duan Yongping: continue to hold!The rotation trading of US stocks restarts, defensive dividend stocks become a safe haven, how should investors position themselves?What signal? Buffett reduces Apple's holdings by nearly half in a single quarter, with cash reserves hitting a record high!The probability of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates by 50 basis points in September is 69.5%Elon Musk criticizes Warren Buffett for holding a huge amount of cash: The Federal Reserve needs to cut interest ratesIntel plunges, QDII funds "startled", divergence in US stock strategies intensifies英伟达回应新款 AI 芯片延迟传闻:样品试用已开始,产能有望下半年增加英伟达被调查杨德龙:巴菲特二季度大幅减持 50%苹果持仓,美股见顶信号更加强烈 | 立方大家谈Amazon: Views on Consumer Sentiment and AI Investment PaceAI investment accelarates, users now more thrifty, is Amazon going to "retire" again?"Recession trading" is here! | Overseas major asset weekly reportDojo - Musk's High-Stakes Bet on "Autonomous Driving"Is the big shot "bearish"? "Stock god" aggressively cuts heavy positions, "bond king" warns against bottom fishingFu Peng: A systematic review of the "chicken dinner shrinkage" in the US stock market in recent years美股罕见暴跌!“七巨头” 市值近一月蒸发 12 万亿元The delayed launch of the new AI chip, how much impact does this have on NVIDIA?Tesla names its Texas supercomputing cluster "Cortex," equipped with 100,000 NVIDIA chipsMeta is reportedly in talks with Hollywood movie stars for an AI voice project, offering hundreds of millions of dollars to obtain authorizationShocking! Berkshire Hathaway's Apple holdings "halved", what did Buffett see?Apple apologizes after an advertisement shot in Thailand sparks dissatisfaction among Thai netizensMorgan Stanley: Tencent is a "safe haven with a catalyst"What did Buffett see in the 'clearance-style sell-off' of Bank of America?iPhone、微信/抖音二选一你选谁!为了 30% 苹果税 苹果威胁拒绝更新微信抖音Omdia:2024 年 Q2 全球智能手机出货 2.9 亿台、同比增长 9.3%,三星、苹果、小米前三2024Q2 全球平板出货量持续攀升 苹果领跑、小米增速第一NVIDIA is in the eye of the storm! "AI Battle of Faith": Wall Street repeatedly shorting, Silicon Valley resolutely burning money