US Stock Earnings Season "First Shot": First Republic Bank Performs Well, JPMorgan Chase Q2 Results Exceed Expectations, YoY EPS Growth of 72% | Financial Report Insights由于经济放缓和裁员,花旗 Q2 净利下降超三成GLOBAL MARKETS-World stocks set for best week since November 2022Tesla’s Chinese website unveils Cyberquad toy car priced at RMB 11,990Big Move Watch | Microsoft's rating and target price have been significantly raised! CLOUD MUSIC is the top choice for gaming stocks, and TENCENT can still rise by 30%?印度车市大战在即?报道称比亚迪将投资 10 亿美元印度建厂美国经济开始放缓?高盛为何建议财报季紧盯这一板块阿里、腾讯、京东、百度!目标价为何全部遭下调?腾讯光子工作室群收购英国游戏开发商 Lucid Games机构:截至 5 月移动互联网月活用户 12.13 亿 头部小程序前三为微信、支付宝、百度Alibaba P9 Falls from Grace默默发力!特斯拉支持的团队正致力于单晶无钴锂离子电池研发Zhang Yong wants to create another "Alibaba"特斯拉 FSD 的 “ChatGPT 时刻” 来了吗?错过历史性反弹后,日本散户终于入场了加密货币总市值突破 1.3 万亿美元 24 小时增加 6.6%特斯拉开始在韩国销售上海工厂生产的 Model Y技术分析 | 美股驱动因子切换时,为何一定要调仓?央行邹澜:必要时还可再创设新的政策工具中国人民银行邹澜:过去在房地产市场长期过热阶段出台的政策存在边际优化空间央行:支持和鼓励商业银行与借款人自主协商变更合同约定,或是新发放贷款置换存量贷款央行:必要的时候对市场顺周期、单边行为进行纠偏,坚决防范汇率大起大落港股本周大涨 5% 的原因找到了!央行副行长刘国强:应对超预期挑战和变化仍有充足的政策空间微软高管:必应聊天没有分走流量,反而提升出版商的流量李斌批评美国贸易保护主义 :中国欢迎马斯克,你却不让我卖车罗杰斯:或迎来此生最大熊市,苹果、亚马逊等牛股恐率先 “遭殃”* 汇丰研究下调京东-SW 目标价至 203 元 评级「买入」淘天集团 “动刀” P 序列:大厂打破 “舒适区”,为优秀一线员工释放更多成长空间* 大摩:网信办发表生成式 AI 服务管理暂行办法 可视为关键监管里程碑京东集团开盘涨近 3% 大模型预计今年 8 月正式上线The frenzy of US new energy vehicle stocks continues! A small order of 50 vehicles causes Nikola, which has been repeatedly shorted, to surge 61%.Will the market underestimate the determination of the Federal Reserve? On the eve of the July meeting, the Federal Reserve hawks: two more rate hikes are needed!Breakfast | Chinese concept stocks continue to celebrate for five consecutive days, Google Bard releases "the largest update in history"微软和动视暴雪考虑出售部分英国云游戏版权谷歌 Bard“史上最大更新”!终于会说会读图,支持中文等 40 多种语言