Gates drinks! "Bottom fishing" in Budweiser, becoming the ninth largest shareholder, just invested in Heineken at the beginning of the year.太罕见!苹果,两天暴跌 1.4 万亿!拼多多也突然重挫,发生了什么?港股 9 月 7 日超 700 只 “零成交”、近千股成交不足 1 万港元Skip 定了?又有两名联储鹰派"支持 9 月不加息"Storm is coming? Some people in the market are betting that the US volatility index VIX will surge by 1100%.未能复制中国奇迹!特斯拉墨西哥超级工厂延期,原定 25 年投产或推迟到 27 年百度发布新一代营销平台 “轻舸”中信建投:港股再次进入可为期 | 中信建投表示,过去几个月中,港股受到紧缩预期再起、经济衰退担忧等因素压制,导致市场情绪疲软。8 月公布的美联储会议纪要以及鲍威尔在 Jackson Hole 年会上反The US economy shows strong resilience as the biggest bear on Wall Street surrenders! Year-end S&P 500 forecast raised to 4150 points.Investor interest continues to wane as cryptocurrency trading volume hits a new low for the year in August.港交所:证券及衍生产品市场延迟开市The semiconductor sector in the US stock market experiences mixed fortunes: Intel has been on a 9-day winning streak, while Qualcomm suffers a sharp decline of over 7%, giving back the gains from the "bull market".Unemployment data strengthens expectations of tightening, Apple slumps again, Nasdaq falls for the fourth consecutive time, Pinduoduo briefly drops more than 8%.Rare! Apple experiences two consecutive days of sell-off, with a cumulative decline of over 6%, resulting in a market value evaporation of $190 billion.The approaching of the American Black Swan! General Motors proposes a 10% salary increase, and the union angrily responds as "extremely insulting"!"West is not as bright as the East": Middle Eastern capital is experiencing a shining moment in the financial market.Forex Big Winner! The US Dollar Continues to Strengthen, Creating the Longest Consecutive Weekly Gain in Years.Luxury electric car manufacturer Lucid from the United States is exploring the Chinese market and has hired former NIO executive.李强在第 18 届东亚峰会上的讲话(全文)NVIDIA's Q2 earnings report falsification and inflated stock price? Wall Street analysts refute: Don't blindly believe everything you see online, guys.Another Cold Sign in the US Labor Market: Walmart's Indirect Salary Reduction遭机构唱空 拼多多一度大跌超 8%McKinsey & Company: The Key Period for Chinese Enterprises to Win in the Next Decade蚂蚁 “大图模型” 亮相外滩大会A man who made billions in the financial crisis, but is now "trapped" in an island nation.马化腾还是急了Coreweave 何方神圣?“英伟达造假论” 在外网炸锅了Not NVIDIA, but more expensive than NVIDIA! Is Arm worth $52 billion?黄仁勋三天内兑现期权共卖出约 8.91 万英伟达股票红杉中国减持美团 2635 万股 市场人士:系正常退出并非看淡其基本面瑞幸:酱香拿铁原料断货,将再向茅台采购飞天茅台酒美元攀升至六个月高点,美股股指期货走低蚂蚁集团将迎来 “iPhone 时刻”?上海:调整本市住房公积金购买存量住房最长贷款期限苹果日砸百万,豪赌 2000 亿参数 Apple GPT!疯狂挖角谷歌,打造核弹级 iPhoneWhat happened to the promised delivery by the end of September? Tesla's Cybertruck pickup is being delayed again?Can stocks finish strong in 2023? Wall Street giants weigh inLatest Process Revealed for Mortgage Rate Reduction: Some Mortgages Automatically Adjusted without Application小米升级大模型 “小爱同学”:持续开放邀请内测Has the "God of Stocks" and AI, the "two major beliefs" in the US stock market, collapsed one after another?原来瑞幸和茅台的中间商是塞尚乳业