Goldman Sachs: Tesla's deliveries expected to reach 1.9 million this year.Living in Algorithms? Meta's Heavyweight Release: Algorithms Precisely Grasp YouXPENG-W has thrown out an "ace"美国疫苗厂商 Moderna 将宣布对华首次投资,规模或达 10 亿美元阿里正重新评估视频资产优酷与土豆 “二选一”?内部人士:假消息Transitioning to electric power, even top-tier supercars are feeling the pressure.Big Move Speed View | Why does Wall Street recommend selling Tesla before the second quarter report? CLOUD MUSIC target price gets raised!Vision Pro slashed production by 60%? Apple doesn't need to panic, Meta Platforms also has hopes of "rising"!美股上半年大涨过后 下半年这两只高股息率股值得投资?Is Hong Kong biotech stocks a rebound play?日本顶尖股权基金减仓芯片股 转投日清、花王等防御性股票US Stocks in the First Half of the Year: NVIDIA and S&P Global Inc. Performed the Best! Unexpectedly Plunged.腾讯回应或与 Meta VR 头显达成合作:不予置评Health insurance major move is coming: Major benefits for innovative drugs! A-share and Hong Kong stock pharmaceutical sectors join forces to surge upwards.理想汽车 CEO:7 月第 2 周起产能将提升到 8000 辆/周传 GTCR 以近 200 亿美元收购繁德信息技术商业业务的多数股权Stability AI CEO 放出豪言:5 年内,人类程序员将不复存在Why is it Jia and Germanium?美媒:Meta 公司想将 VR 头戴设备引入中国市场 正与中国企业进行洽谈Analyst: Negotiation drug renewal rules exceed expectations, benefiting innovative drugs.港股异动 | 生物医药股午后快速拉升 国家医保局就《谈判药品续约规则》及《非独家药品竞价规则》公开征求意见谢锋大使会见美国财长耶伦消息称 AMD、微软和亚马逊等大厂排队竞购 SK 海力士 HBM3E 内存大摩:预计特斯拉今年交付 190 万辆,2030 年达 790 万辆Hong Kong stocks opened low and rose high, with the Hang Seng Index up nearly 1%. The autonomous driving sector performed well, with the rare earth sector showing strength.This year's hottest AI market: US stocks have soared, why is Hong Kong stock market not performing well? When will the opportunity come?Rokid Co-founder Xiang Wenjie: All AR manufacturers are looking forward to Apple's participation | InnovatorThe Hidden Concern Behind Tesla's Glamour: Production Exceeds Deliveries for Five Consecutive QuartersUS stocks enter a critical July: experiencing a pullback, it's a good time to enter the market! Pay attention to the realization of second-quarter performance expectations.民生证券:美光等海外龙头削减资本开支 存储周期拐点已现Singapore Stock Market Daily Report on 3rd: MEITUAN-W 5 Times Long Warrant Surges in Price and Volume见好就收!跑赢 99% 同行的基金 Alma Eikoh 转投防守股,日清食品和花王成首选AI Battle, Alphabet-C hoards "data"中金:中美均面临关键窗口期How does Bridgewater invest in AI?特步国际自六间银行组成的银团获 4 年期本金额 10 亿港元的贷款融资推特推出新版 TweetDeck,认证用户才能访问Not only Tesla, Rivian Automotive delivered better-than-expected results in the second quarter, with its stock price soaring more than 17%.富豪们赚疯了!上半年全球最富有 500 人财富增加 8520 亿美元