Hong Kong stocks surged and then fell back, with the Hang Seng Index closing up 0.1%. New energy vehicles were active, but China Evergrande fell 11%."Losses" are approaching $700 billion! With the surge in US bond yields, is another banking crisis looming in the United States?小米汽车将研发增程式电动车,产品已有规划深圳 “认房不认贷” 满月:新房去化周期仍超 17 个月,二手房放盘量增加Hong Kong Stock Market News | Hong Kong Aerospace Technology Soars 11% in Afternoon Trading, Collaborates with EOS to Establish Aerospace 3D Printing Innovation Application CenterTotalEnergies: closes sale of 50% stake in Surmont to ConocoPhillips and sells remainder of upstream Canadian assets to SuncorHong Kong Stock Market News | Most gaming stocks rebound, Huoyan Holdings surges 31%, institutions optimistic about investment value in the gaming sector.JPMorgan: High oil prices have already begun to "disrupt demand"In the 'dilemma', Good Child International, with declining revenue and market value, has become 'frozen'.蔚来汽车:电动超跑 NIO EP9 再次登陆又一全球顶级赛车游戏《极限竞速》Google faces "significant risks", will Apple switch "default search"? But investors see "cheap"Hong Kong Stock Market News | Jiayue Health Soars 1.3 Times in Intraday Trading, Turns Loss into Profit in the First Half of the Year.港交所正积极与香港特区政府和监管机构研究市场在恶劣天气下继续运作的安排Hong Kong Stock Market News | Nine Dragons Paper rebounds more than 4%, paper companies raise prices in September, industry profit expectations improve.Cook sells stocks and cashes in $40 million, has Apple's valuation really reached its peak?Hong Kong Stock Market News | Alibaba Pictures rises more than 3% during trading, institutions predict that National Day box office is expected to reach a new historical high.Hong Kong Stock Market News | China Evergrande rises nearly 7%, leading the real estate sector. Evergrande Shenzhen Company delivered over 6,000 units in August, and first-tier cities are expected to stabilize in the fourth quarter.天图投资将于 10 月 6 日正式登陆港交所,每股定价为 6.5 港元。港股异动 | 石油股集体走低 国际油价大跌逾 5% 市场担忧高利率影响石油需求Hong Kong Stock Market News | Auto stocks generally open higher, XPeng Inc. (XPEV) rises nearly 5% as September's new energy vehicle delivery data shines.微软发布 Win11 Dev 23560 预览版更新:为 Copilot 启用 Alt+Tab 组合键快讯:港股恒指高开 0.31% 科指涨 0.86% 科网股普涨孙正义亏麻了!WeWork 市值跌至 1 亿美元 未能支付债券到期利息New Stock News | Guoquan Food submits its second application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Main Board, with revenue exceeding 2 billion yuan in the first four months of 2023.Oil giant may be making a fortune again! ExxonMobil brings "good news": Q3 profits set to soar.Apple considered switching to DuckDuckGo from Google for Safari - Bloomberg News苹果考虑将默认搜索引擎从谷歌切换到 DuckDuckGoFitch Ratings believes that McCarthy's resignation will not affect the credit rating of the United States, and it is expected that a government shutdown is inevitable.Multiple pressures facing the US stock market, analysts say there is a new trouble长期美债自见顶以来近乎腰斩 损失之惨烈堪比互联网泡沫破裂后的美股How long will the automotive industry strike last? General Motors has secured a loan "recharge" of $6 billion in advance.A comprehensive look at Google's annual blockbuster conference: AI challenges iPhone, mobile version of Bard Assistant is here.The Nasdaq rose more than 1%, with Tesla up about 6%. US bond yields hit a 16-year high, while oil prices fell sharply by 5.6%.US ADP employment in September increased by only 89,000, far below expectations, marking the lowest level since the beginning of 2021.AI "multimodal" battle: "Drawing new artifact" Dall-E 3 detonates Bing, Microsoft urgently deploys thousands of servers over the weekend.Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase "speak with one voice": The sharp rise in US interest rates will cause trouble in the financial markets!刚拿 Amazon 40 亿美金,Anthropic 或再从 Google 等融 20 亿美金超 800 亿港元!港股天量回购潮持续,南向资金也加速入场,底部近了?鹰到极致!美联储官员巩固高利率预期 称将长期维持在当前水平附近交银国际:“金九银十” 构成稳定支撑 看好比亚迪股份和理想汽车-WHong Kong Stock Market News | Zhongxu Future rebounds more than 11%, still trading over 18% below IPO price. The company is a game operator for "Greedy Blue Moon".节后第二日港股小幅低开,汽车、地产板块领跌大和发布研究报告称,重申腾讯 “买入” 评级,基于 SOTP 维持目标价 430 港元