Lagarde Hawkish: Pause is not the end, further rate hikes may followMarket Focus: How are the four major policies being implemented?Tech giants are making efforts, will Apple and Amazon continue to boost the US stock market this week?微软不想被 OpenAI 架空Why is the Hong Kong stock market's consumer sector booming?The most important thing in the US stock market right now is not the Federal Reserve, but the earnings report!From LVMH to Prada, have the days of luxury brands "making money with their eyes closed" come to an end, and the merger battle begun?The stock market is "moving forward without hesitation," the bond market is "lying flat to the end," and the US market is unilaterally "all in" for a "soft landing."谷歌 AGI 机器人大招:用大模型给机器人造 “大脑”US Stock Options | Alibaba, XPENG-W, and NIO options trading volume increased 2-3 times, Roku options trading surged sevenfold阿里旗下管理咨询公司增资至 1000 万,增幅达 99 倍"New Fed News Agency": This "Key Debate on Inflation" will determine whether central banks in Europe and the United States will raise interest rates.Short selling ratio quickly fell back! Why are foreign investors "excited" about Hong Kong stocks again "?发改委发布恢复和扩大消费 20 条措施,涉及汽车、住房、旅游Facebook 联合创始人发长文质疑马斯克:特斯拉和 SpaceX 并不具有革命性"AI Faith" May Help Drive Technology Stocks Higher, But the Road to "Profitability Test" is LongBlackRock Chairman Tang Xiaodong's "New Trend": Wall Street Giant Castle Securities中金:港股市场有望实现中枢上移 关注对政策和经济增长更为敏感的板块Hang Seng TECH Index soared 4%! Why did Hong Kong stocks violently rally?新加坡股市 28 日报:美团、快手、李宁等中概 5 倍做多权证大幅上涨* 花旗对腾讯音乐开启 30 日下跌催化剂观察"Real estate benchmark" Blackstone has shifted its focus! Selling houses to invest in AI data centersUS oil rose 14% in a single month, Goldman Sachs: Record demand combined with Saudi production cuts, the oil market has emerged from pessimism.“一米八” 横空出世!马云要干农业?美国卡车运输巨头 Yellow 宣布倒闭,3 万员工失业Cloud computing as a whole is slowing down, but the "AI Cloud Battle" between Microsoft and Alphabet-C is just getting started.民生牟一凌:右侧已现,跟上指数China Galaxy Securities: Domestic Game Licenses Issued in July, Industry Fundamentals Continue to RecoverReal estate policy "attracting attention from all"! This weekend, Beijing and Shenzhen made announcements to implement new policies in Hefei.Tesla: Within two years, it will transition from "silicon shortage" to "power shortage," hindering the development of AI.Huatai Securities: Positive policy signals continue to be released, internet leaders are expected to burst with marginal improvement in growth momentum.Nomura's Koichiro Okamoto: Japan's Lessons from 30 Years of Loss Nomura's Koichiro Okamoto recently shared his insights on Japan's economic stagnation over the past three decades. He emphasized the importance of learning from this experience and implementing necessary reforms to avoid similar pitfalls in the future. Okamoto's analysis report sheds light on the challenges faced by the Japanese economy and provides valuable recommendations for sustainable growth. With the earnings report now available, it is crucial for policymakers and stakeholders to carefully examine the findings and take appropriate actions to drive positive change.In the future, AI will be integrated into every chip platform! Intel CEO: AI doesn't need to be tied to the cloud.被罚超 70 亿后,20 多天时间蚂蚁集团都干了啥?接近监管人士:短期内蚂蚁集团重新上市的可能性不大恒大汽车计划引入战投,募资 5 亿美元Boot on the ground? Nomura: Bank of Japan's "sneak attack" is the "final bad news" for Japanese stocksActual Dovish Signal! "Real Change" from the Bank of Japan: Downward Revision of Next Year's Inflation Expectations"After the 'Super Week', the conclusion of the US stock market: Risk On!"Why does Apple talk so little about AI?