Watches can now measure blood sugar! Samsung watches will introduce new metabolism health tracking features, leading the way ahead of AppleXiaomi Corporation-W spent approximately HKD 491.796 million on July 9 to repurchase 3 million shares"Three-year goal" encounters cold in the first year? ANTA's retail sales growth slows in the first half of the yearAI Chip Roadmap: 3 charts and 7 major impactsAnalysis of US Stock IPOs | Weibo Bus: Strong recovery in the tourism industry, but trapped in perennial losses, with a sudden drop in cash flow "fog"Li Auto's 27th week sales volume reached 8,000 unitsTesla rose for nine consecutive days, Bernstein continues to be bearish: Valuation is disconnected from fundamentalsDBS: Overweight on US stocks and Asian (excluding Japan) stocks in the next 3-12 monthsThe development of unmanned taxis at home and abroad is rapid, and Tesla will also make a major entry in AugustCSRC "Program Trading Order Agreement (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)": High-frequency trading abnormalities, securities firms have the right to refuse and report to regulators收评:恒指平收 恒生科指涨 0.96% 苹果概念股涨势强劲FANGZHOU JIANKE's Hong Kong Stock Exchange IPO debuted and broke: Over 60% of the fundraising amount was "earned" by investment banksThe second bull market really here? Nikkei rose 2% to a new high美股又双叒叕创新高!高盛加入看空行列:“8 月魔咒” 将至US stock long bull stock Arts Group received a rating upgrade from Stifel, stating that the pre-tax profit margin will reach 20% in the next few yearsCitigroup: Raises Hang Seng Index target to 20,500 points by the end of 2024Tonight's big show is on! Will Tesla face a "Nine Yang Big Reversal" or return to the "Seven Giants" of the US stock market?CMB Securities: Amazon launches low-price store, expected to have limited impact on TemuThe state of the auto market in the first half of the year: prices keep falling, cars remain unsold | Jianzhi ResearchFaraday Future Intelligent Electric: Will hold a shareholders' meeting on July 31 to vote on matters such as joint venturesTesla shareholders oppose $7.2 billion sky-high legal feesPowell attends the last economic data release in front of Congress! Can small businesses influence the Fed's attitude?AI frenzy sweeps the fund market! NVIDIA beats Tesla to become the most favored asset in single-stock ETFsOn a net inflow of $6 billion in a month, foreign banks collectively bullish on the Indian bond market快讯:港股三大指数低开低走 科网股、建材水泥股、食品股跌幅居前苹果概念股普遍上扬 比亚迪电子涨超 4% 富智康集团涨超 2%Taiwan Semiconductor hits a new high, what is the catalyst this time?Intel and AMD soar together! Will the "AI latecomers" start an upward trend in stock prices?Market Insight | HUA HONG SEMI Surges Over 6%, TSMC's Majority of Customers Agree to Raise Outsourcing Prices, HUA HONG May Increase Prices in the Second Half of the YearMarket Insight | Apple Concept Stocks Rise as Apple Raises iPhone 16 Series Production Targets for the Year, Overnight Apple Stock Regains Top Global Market ValueTesla has risen for nine consecutive days! But Wall Street has a wide difference of opinion华泰证券:港股多空力量持续拉锯快讯:港股恒指跌 0.25% 科指跌 0.11% 科网股普遍低开台积电 “狂飙”!盘中市值超万亿美元 大摩分析师预警:美股极有可能回调 10%Investors profit-taking leads to a drop in gold prices, ING predicts that the upward trend in gold will continue until the end of the yearBlackRock: Developed market central banks are expected to adopt a "Higher for Longer" interest rate strategy, similar to emerging marketsIs a strong rebound in Chinese consumption on the horizon? Morningstar names seven potential stocks to watchBreakfast | S&P, Nasdaq hit new highs with five consecutive gains, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley sound the alarm for a US stock market pullbackHong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Apple raises iPhone 16 series stocking target to around 90 million units this year! AI initiates a new round of replacement cycle (with concept stocks)Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | TSMC's market value breaks $1 trillion during trading hours, industry prices may enter an upward phase (with concept stocks)US stocks hit new highs again, Apple's market value surpasses Microsoft, Tesla rises for the ninth consecutive day, silver futures once fell by 3%, French stocks opened high and fellReminder: Please pay special attention today (all times are in Beijing time)Investors flock to the bond market! Bond funds rake in nearly $400 billion in the first half of 2024Morgan Stanley's Chief Equity Strategist: Investors need to prepare for market adjustments, US stocks may pull back by 10% in Q3Emerging market currencies have risen for four consecutive days, with little movement in the US dollar before Powell's testimony and the release of US CPI data2019 Money Crunch Redux? Key Indicators Warning of Scarcity in the US Financing MarketFederal Reserve: Short-term inflation expectations of American consumers have declined for two consecutive months, and expectations for housing price increases have cooled周一热门中概股涨跌不一 台积电涨 1.4%,富途跌 7.4%