5 月金融数据前瞻:新增贷款可能同比少增,社融增速或回落Vision Pro 无法复制 iPhone 的成功币圈监管风暴升级!币安之后,Coinbase 也遭美国 SEC 起诉,股价跳水警惕!科技股要回调了?花旗:多头盈利太多!美股盘前 | 高盛下调美国衰退概率,台积电预计全年营收降 5%,苹果 MR 头显定价过高当场反诉!特斯拉和 “车顶维权” 女车主纠纷,最新进展来了大陆多家大行存款利率将再迎下调 人民币、美元币种均有涉及美股未能 “退出熊市”,资金继续逃离股票基金大行速睇 | 苹果评级、目标价均遭大幅下调!特斯拉、微软、Meta 获看好In the past decade, the second largest restricted stock release? The latest response is here: Postal Savings Bank of China has no plan to reduce its holdings in PSBC for now.当 AI 热潮褪去,花旗:标普 500 将回到 4000 点!腾讯、阿里入选首批 “双柜台证券”,港股市场迎盛夏升温?The Hang Seng Index rose and fell, rising more than 1% at one point during the day. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index closed higher, with real estate stocks leading the way. SUNAC rose more than 10%.百度推出基于大模型的代码编写助手 “Comate”短线投资者注意:苹果市值一夜跌了 845 亿美元,可能还会再跌!Apple Vision Pro, how does it feel to wear? The first round of testing has arrived!Record-breaking heat wave, Vietnam's power supply in crisis港股性价比初显,但资金面难以转好港元拆息利率几乎全线下跌 一个月拆息连跌两天报 4.17982%Tesla Car Circle Throws Nuclear Bomb: FSD Can Be Used by Other Automakers! Is the "Autonomous Driving ChatGPT Moment" Coming?From Transformer to Brain-Computer Interface, Apple's press conference reveals much more than just MR.Generative AI brings good news! TSMC: Ready to embrace the next wave of growth.Is Apple's Spring Festival Gala too much to handle? Will the market be satisfied with buzzwords like "AI, MR, and brain-computer interfaces" all at once?对于市场,美联储的加息收尾比降息开启更重要苹果 WWDC 的遗憾:几乎没有提及人工智能!美股期权 | 苹果期权成交激增三倍,多头押注特斯拉升向 230 美元The number of people betting on a Fed rate cut is decreasing.库克的 “乔布斯时刻”,来了吗?Netflix 二季度在韩国订阅用户增长放缓,本土流媒体平台逆势增加苹果 Vision Pro:先进到让同行绝望?全球第 17 流量 18 亿!OpenAI——史上用户增长最快的网站大摩分析师:特斯拉在中国面临激烈竞争,必须进一步降价欧盟要求大型科技公司标记 AI 生成内容,分析称实际执行存在技术障碍In Vision, did Apple secretly develop a brain-computer interface?恒生科技指数 6 月开局涨超 6%!港股还能继续反弹?两万五的苹果头显将替代你的下一台 iPhone?Goldman Sachs held a semiconductor conference, here are the top 10 highlights.空间计算,苹果头显唯一亮点?技术信号警告:美股已经陷入 “极度超买”!分析师:微软各产品嵌入 AI 营收增幅上看 1000 亿美元恒指、恒生科技涨超 1%,京东涨逾 4%,内房股、石化领涨Besides Vision Pro, Apple showcased its AI strategy: pragmatic and not boastful.新加坡股市 5 日报:京东 5 倍做多权证被大规模买入VR 头显,谁才是王者?《图表新闻》全球股票基金连续第七周遭遇资金外流苹果头显售价高达 3499 美元 果粉信仰又迎来大考