打脸华尔街!标普 500 指数几乎高于所有目标价NASDAQ Composite Index "Special Adjustment" Approaching! Microsoft and NVIDIA Expected to Have the Largest Decrease, Broadcom and Adobe Could Be the Biggest WinnersThe Federal Reserve continues to reduce its balance sheet, and the upward trend of technology stocks may be difficult to sustain.Report: SpaceX expects its revenue to double to $8 billion this year, with its latest valuation approaching $150 billion.Pre-market trading in US stocks | Chinese concept stocks generally decline, XPENG-W prepares for flying cars, Morgan Stanley raises Apple's bullish target price to $270.Goldman Sachs is bullish on BIDU-SWR: It is the future AI traffic entrance and the stock price can rise another 31%!Between Disruption: 4 Speculations in the AI EraBig Moves | Apple, Tesla, Meta Platforms, Netflix, NetEase! Target prices all significantly raised!Samsung Electronics Will Likely Make Tesla's Next-Generation FSD Chips- Korea Economic DailyJust tomorrow! Tesla and Netflix may influence the US stock market this week!先进封装、CowWoS、HBM,一文了解它们的关系ChatGPT's next AI blockbuster application is "Automated AI Intelligent Agent" going all-in in Silicon Valley.国家发改委:抓紧制定出台恢复和扩大消费的政策 坚持常态化召开民营企业家座谈会被要求全款发货后,印度恼羞成怒,称对比亚迪在印建厂感到不安!Earnings Preview | TSMC's Q2 profits expected to drop by nearly 30%, focusing on AI chip demand特斯拉中国:上海超级工厂员工人数众多 目前还无法对加薪相关情况予以回应拜登政府拟把对华投资管制限缩到只针对先进技术新投资?中方回应华泰证券:港股或迎阶段性配置窗口期,关注港股互联网投资机会Be cautious: The US stock market may experience another tech bubble! The biggest risk is...India market is booming! Goldman Sachs: Apple stock price will continue to rise.US Stock Options | Bullish sentiment soars! Bulls bet on Apple, Tesla, and Nvidia to rise to $200, $300, and $500 respectively.Pay attention to MEITUAN-WR and Alibaba! The Hong Kong stock market may experience a short-term resonance of domestic and foreign capital, presenting an opportunity for technical rebound and additional positions.Preview | Wall Street is very cautious about Netflix's Q2 report! User growth is about to "explode"?Wood Sister: Betting on AI stocks other than NVIDIA, has cut Twitter's stake by 47%!Technical Analysis | Scissors Gap in Chinese and American Technology Stocks! What does it mean? Cost-effectiveness in Hong Kong stocks!新加坡股市 17 日报:泰国酿酒被大规模抛售日本失落三十年,最硬的两条消费赛道Is the US economy approaching a "soft landing"? The bearish voices of Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are gradually fading.NASDAQ Composite Index achieved its largest first-half gain in 40 years. These analysts' faces are swollen.特斯拉上海工厂偷偷涨薪?员工绩效从 1.2 倍涨至 1.5 倍Hong Kong stocks have experienced their fourth "break below net asset value" in the past decade! What does this mean? Opportunity has arrived!一边看好一边减持,“木头姐” 继续卖出特斯拉和 CoinbaseWall Street Bullish-Bearish Divide "Growing Bigger", Tesla's Earnings Day Exciting?美参议员敦促 SEC 调查特斯拉及其董事会This year's increase of over 200% still has "cost-effectiveness"! Citigroup is optimistic about Nvidia's monopoly on AI chips, and a stock price of $600 is not a dream.Has the US market fallen behind? The stock price of Lefeng Group plummets, while the entire European luxury market experiences a downturn.Alzheimer's "milestone drug" to be launched soon? Eli Lilly announces submission to FDA for review, expected conclusion by the end of the year.中信证券:经济环比增速最弱的时候正在过去小米公司印度总裁:开拓线下,重振销量微软对动视暴雪的收购交易接近终点线,但料无望在截止日期前完成微软正与动视暴雪谈判延长收购合约,以便克服监管障碍 -- 消息人士“木头姐” 投资英伟达以外其他 AI 股,将比特币长期目标价提高至 150 万美元