A major automotive company investing? The American electric car newcomer Fisker responds to bankruptcy rumors, surging 42% after hours.香港高档住宅新房销量创 2021 年以来新高中央网信办:督促网站平台做好 AI 生成信息标注以及虚构摆拍内容标注空日债,买日元!日银决议前,华尔街押注 “取消负利率”“不降息”!中国央行缩量续作 3870 亿元 MLF,一年半来首次净回笼Pinduoduo (PDD) is in a showdown, with Wulianyi (WLY) unwilling to tolerate control anymore.Betting on a US stock market decline? Goldman Sachs: It's time to buy VIX call options.Wall Street is accelerating its embrace of AI, as Morgan Stanley appoints its first Chief AI Officer.小米汽车 “半月倒计时”:销售称每天忙到半夜,旗舰店选址已暴露野心?Breakfast | US stocks will face the "triple curse", with Tesla's market value approaching the brink of falling below $500 billion.美国 2 月 PPI 数据意外超预期 比特币七天内五创新高后跌破 7 万美元特斯拉继续大跌,投资者喊话:马斯克再不专注工作就换掉他!解读公司 | 如何理解特斯拉今年的大跌?The first quarter "Quad Witching Day" is here on Friday! NVIDIA options trading becomes a highlight.主权国家秘密购买比特币?分析师:已有央行将其置于资产负债表上Top 10 US Stock Gainers (3.14)Top 5 CDRs Gainers/Losers (>100M) (3.14)Top 5 US Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (3.14)Top 10 US Stock Losers (3.14)PPI inflation exceeded expectations, US bonds accelerated their decline, tech stocks dragged down the US market, with NVIDIA dropping nearly 5% at one point, and Bitcoin plunged after hitting a new high.Apple is stepping up its efforts in AI! It is reported that they are acquiring the Canadian startup DarwinAI, possibly bringing neural network talent under its wing.Adobe's performance guidance fell short of expectations, causing its stock price to drop more than 10% after hours.SpaceX has made significant progress, but disintegrated over the Indian Ocean at the last moment.Former Fed leaders: Wall Street closely watches the Fed's description of QT next week, which is more important than rate cuts!黄金、比特币后,下一个会是白银?U.S. Stock Market Update | Bitcoin falls below $72,000 per coin, MicroStrategy drops over 4.8%贝莱德 IBIT 持仓已超比特币理论最大供应量的 1% 市值突破 160 亿美元续创新高港股多个指数进入技术性牛市!南向资金加码 “扫货”!Former Treasury Secretary Mnuchin putting together investors to buy TikTok, CNBC reportsThe "Creators" behind the chips usher in a brand new era! Wall Street senses the scent of a "bull market".美国前财长姆努钦:正在组建投资人团体,以尝试收购 TikTok大摩:下一个 AI 投资的三大主题英伟达再投 AI 制药!这家企业借助英伟达 Cambridge-1 开发"基因层面"的 GPTHSBC: Next year, China's four major e-commerce giants are eyeing a $500 billion overseas market | Going global series美银:“七巨头” 涨势和 AI 热潮显现出泡沫心态的典型征兆Account funds increased by 250 times! How did Qiu Yonghan achieve this?Pre-market in the US stock market: XPeng-W, JD lead the decline in Chinese concept stocks, only PDD rises! The market is focusing on tonight's US PPI.外资看财报「禾赛科技」:面临海外安全政策风险