8 月 29 日美股成交额前 20:美国达乐业绩不佳,股价暴跌 32%SMIC's revenue in the first half of the year increased by 23.2% year-on-year, while net profit decreased by 45.1% year-on-year | Financial Report InsightsRegional Fed survey reveals risks in the job market, further strengthening expectations of a Fed rate cutHong Kong Stock Review: BYD and BYD ElectronicHigh-quality newcomer in the Hong Kong Stock Connect, SF INTRA-CITY with dual driversAlibaba has gained greater freedomWall Street supports NVIDIA: Second-quarter results are very good, market expectations are too high!Taikoo Li and SKP compete for FILAXPeng wants to "grab food" from BYD's mouthFollowing the ruling of monopolizing the search market, Google is now facing anti-monopoly accusations from YelpMany recession forecasting indicators seem to have been wrong! Is this time really different?Property and life insurance driving together, CPIC's revenue exceeded 194.6 billion in the first half of the year, with net profit increasing by over 37%Alibaba-W spent approximately USD 79.9772 million on August 28 to repurchase 8.0136 million sharesChina Merchants Bank, the "leading player" in the joint-stock system, released its semi-annual report, with a profit of over 74.7 billion yuan in the first half of the year, and the sovereign wealth fund re-entered the top ten shareholder listBeishui Movement | Beishui net sold 1.838 billion, Li Auto received 700 million additional holdings, domestic bank stocks, Hong Kong stock ETFs were sold offTrack Hyper | NVIDIA's Q2 report explodes: Stock price unexpectedly plunges苹果营收有望在今年首次超过 4000 亿美元 是首年 516129 倍TechWeb 微晚报:OpenAI 估值将超 1000 亿美元,特斯拉要求加拿大降低其中国产电动车税率二季度全球智能手表出货量排名:苹果、华为占据前二Citigroup: US-Japan interest rate spread breaks key level, will the yen repeat the dramatic surge of 1998?9 years later, Guotai Junan Securities announced its interim dividend in the semi-annual report, with a dividend of 1.5 yuan per 10 sharesNVIDIA unveils a new "money-making weapon": Sovereign AI is in full swing, with strong demand for government GPUsOn August 29th, Tencent spent approximately HKD 1.003 billion to repurchase 2.68 million sharesThe birth of the "Eighth Giant" in the US stock market! Berkshire Hathaway joins the trillion-dollar clubThe mastermind behind the "Black Monday" has not been eliminated yet, next time won't be so lucky!Hong Kong Stock Market Closing (08.29) | Hang Seng Index rose by 0.53%, Chinese banking stocks collectively fell, Meituan-W surged 12% after earnings releaseSlowing growth, hitting a ceiling? Jensen Huang's confidence is difficult to calm "public concerns"Is the market too complacent in its bets? Is a "big reckoning" on the horizon?The breakthrough opportunity is coming soon! Will Bitcoin hit a new all-time high before November?Today's Important News Review | Dolphin Investment Research收评:恒指涨 0.53% 恒生科指涨 0.46% 美团大涨逾 12%Why did Buffett significantly reduce his holdings in Apple and Bank of America?传特斯拉要求加拿大降低针对中国产电动汽车关税周杰伦诉网易终审败诉!律师:公众人物应对网络话题有一定容忍度同济大学朱西产:特斯拉的电动化比不过比亚迪,智能化比不过华为Exposed, Powell may now be just a "dove"!开盘:美股周四高开 市场关注英伟达财报与经济数据The full text is here! NVIDIA conference call: Hopper shipments will increase in the second half of the year, and Blackwell will be "in short supply" until next yearYUEXIU PROPERTY goes all out to strive for 147 billionNvidia: Blackwell shipments to start in the fourth quarter (FY25Q2 conference call)NVIDIA pours cold water on the AI boom, Asian chip stocks fall in unisonGoldman Sachs issues a warning: Market recovery from a sharp decline is happening too quickly, which is not a good thing!英伟达再次超出盈利预期,但投资者并不买账Regarding the rapid rebound of the US stock market, Goldman Sachs warns: Market confidence has recovered too quicklyRate cuts will only increase, not decrease? The Fed's focus shifts significantly!英伟达员工自曝日常工作至凌晨 2:00,每天要参加 10 次会议