两万五的苹果头显将替代你的下一台 iPhone?Goldman Sachs held a semiconductor conference, here are the top 10 highlights.空间计算,苹果头显唯一亮点?技术信号警告:美股已经陷入 “极度超买”!分析师:微软各产品嵌入 AI 营收增幅上看 1000 亿美元恒指、恒生科技涨超 1%,京东涨逾 4%,内房股、石化领涨Besides Vision Pro, Apple showcased its AI strategy: pragmatic and not boastful.新加坡股市 5 日报:京东 5 倍做多权证被大规模买入VR 头显,谁才是王者?《图表新闻》全球股票基金连续第七周遭遇资金外流苹果头显售价高达 3499 美元 果粉信仰又迎来大考The hope of metaverse? Apple Vision Pro: Just don't mention "metaverse"OpenAI 里程碑达成!10 亿月活全球最快,完胜谷歌、Facebook、抖音苹果首款 AR 眼镜卖 2 万 5!续航 2 小时,近视也能用,库克:欢迎来到空间计算时代早餐 | 标普 500 极度超买,苹果发布超强芯片等一批新产品真颠覆 XR!苹果 Vision Pro 技术、体验几乎完美 但是一根线毁所有摩根士丹利:仍建议增持中资股票 更看好境内 A 股而非在境外上市的股票摩根大通 CEO 迪蒙传有意从政,公司出面澄清CFTC 批准 Cboe Digital 开展加密货币期货保证金交易英特尔拟出售旗下自动驾驶公司 Mobileye 部分持股,筹资约 15 亿美元Apple plans to use self-developed chips on all Macs, and Intel's stock price has fallen nearly 5%.马斯克脑机接口公司 Neuralink 估值升至 50 亿美元 或仍需 10 年才能实现商业化松下将提高特斯拉内华达超级工厂的电池产量王慧文回应光年之外 2.3 亿美元融资传闻:额度与估值不准确The logic behind the rise of US stocks is no longer sustainable! Market expectations for the Fed's interest rate cut this year have receded.站上万亿风口的英伟达,会是下一个特斯拉吗?Guo Mingchi: Postponing the time expectation for Apple's AR/MR head-mounted device to ship in large quantities by at least one quarter.道指盘初跌超百点,标普一度转跌,苹果涨 1.6% 至历史新高Another major bank warns! Is the AI boom cooling down?标普 500 指数有望退出熊市,美股将迎来全面牛市?Pessimistic Morgan Stanley: Sudden drop in profits will strangle US stock rebound, European stocks may fall more than 10% this summer.苹果股价创历史新高!分析师上调其目标价至 210 美元Besides MR, maybe there's AI? Apple's most significant launch event in a decade is happening tonight!109 亿!南向资金汹涌买入港股,腾讯、美团、中芯国际最受欢迎苹果 MR:TMT 元宇宙行情的新催化?美股盘前 | 苹果股价势创历史新高,花旗称 AI 热潮将消退,特斯拉中国 5 月销量近八万辆Track Hyper | Guide to Smart Cars: The Battle between MediaTek and Qualcomm大行速睇 | 阿里还能涨 80%?腾讯获看好,B 站再遭 “砍价”Hang Seng TECH Index closed higher, with SMIC up more than 6%, and semiconductor and automobile sectors leading the gains.王慧文再融 16 亿!大模型创业百天成独角兽,腾讯押注,快手创始人入股The "China-Arab Entrepreneurs Conference" in Saudi Arabia will open this week, with 2,000 participants and a speech by the Chairman of HKEX.