Big Bank Quick Look | Alibaba's target price raised after earnings! Nvidia's stock price weakness is a good buying opportunity!Earnings Report Preview | JD-SWR Expects Q2 Performance to Rebound, Profitability Remains Stable恒生科技收跌 2.42%,南向净买入 71.8 亿港元,券商领跌,碧桂园尾盘跌幅收窄"Crazy Lithium Mine" staged again! After 3412 bids, the transaction price soared nearly 1800 times to 1.01 billion yuan.段永平,中美通吃US tech stocks fall below key trend lines! Did the market follow the decline of FAAMG?HSBC: Is China's autonomous driving about to usher in the "iPhone 4 moment"?Is the AI boom another internet bubble?Instant retail has doubled the space, the third party is optimistic about Shunfeng city, Dada.中国互联网巨头豪掷 50 亿美金疯抢 GPU?英伟达回应了US Stock Options | Alibaba and Ford options trading volume doubles, Wework options trading surges 20 times剧变 130 天,阿里巴巴迎来反弹时刻台媒:台积电、世界先进不太可能下调 8 英寸代工报价恒生科技跌超 2%,电信上涨,券商领跌,碧桂园上涨Next Week Preview | Earnings Reports for TENCENT, JD-SWR, XPENG-W; Review of Hang Seng Index Series for Q2; Annual Speech by XIAOMI-W's Lei JunAlibaba's transformation, how can it achieve immediate results? Reshaping the value of the platform, AI is also a long-term opportunity!Track Hyper | Massive Increase in Net Profit in 2023H1: What Did CHINA LIT Do?欧洲芯片,疯狂搞事Shorting Tesla, Nvidia, and Nasdaq, the "Most Tragic ETF of the Year" suffered a massive loss of 59% and was forced to liquidate.23H1 of the three major telecom operators: All in Cloud Computing + AI"Expecting Continued Growth Momentum!" Wall Street is raising Alibaba's target price!US CPI has dropped, but there are still "two major concerns"阿里达摩院免费开放 100 件 AI 专利许可杨惠妍再退出碧桂园旗下一公司董事长Why the market doesn't need to worry excessively about US investment restrictions on China? Pay attention to the key moments of China-US dialogue!Alibaba, the Return of the E-commerce King?Report: ByteDance's 2022 revenue reached $85 billion, with overseas daily active users reaching 840 million.The "strongest firepower" that drove the rise of US stocks is no longer continuing! US currency supply has been shrinking for 8 consecutive months.新加坡股市 10 日报:多只个股放量X 公司 CEO 谈舍弃推特品牌:考虑的是更多可能,而非无法实现的渐进式变化US CPI continues to cool down, Morgan Stanley advises investors to "stay in the stock market"Amazon is abandoning dozens of its own brands in response to anti-monopoly scrutiny.深夜大雷!恒大地产去年净亏 527 亿,流动负债 1.6 万亿,已资不抵债…抄底资金持续涌入,多只港股 ETF 规模突破百亿元New trouble for traditional American car factories! Unions or "lion's mouth", GM, Ford tumbled.Alibaba Phone Conference: Taotian Group to Create a Positive Investment Cycle AI Revolution to Become the Growth Engine of Alibaba Cloud阿里张勇:做大模型的企业有两条路,和云业务结合或是在某领域聚焦"End-of-term options" set a record in trading, could US stocks face selling pressure?碧桂园四大措施开展自救:董事会主席出任专项工作小组组长US inflation rebounds but falls below expectations, Fed's rate hike expectations cool, Nasdaq rises 1%.Citigroup: Sell XPENG-W, Buy LI AUTO-W!Pre-market US stocks | Market expects US July CPI to rebound, Alibaba reduced 6,541 employees in Q2, TSMC's July revenue increased by 13%