腾讯能否借助 “混元大模型” 逆风翻盘?6700 亿余额宝突发Didi Q2 Earnings Report: Revenue YoY Growth of 52.6%, Net Loss of 300 Million Approaching Profitability | Insights from Financial Reports1 billion is not a problem for Xu Jiayin, the former gold owner.中国金融业的 “大模型时刻”淘宝 AI 大模型 “淘宝问问” 正在内测,输入信息生成文字、图片、视频等中国 8 月 CPI 同比 +0.1%,前值-0.3%;中国 8 月 PPI 同比-3.0%,前值-4.4%。用 ChatGPT 分析金融数据!摩根士丹利与 OpenAI 合作A small bank in the United States is experiencing the largest outflow of deposits since the Silicon Valley banking crisis, with a significant increase in inflow of funds into the money market.红杉,清仓美团?套现超 500 亿Apple's sharp decline takes a breather, while the Nasdaq and S&P rebound. Tech stocks suffer a double blow in stocks and bonds for the week, while the US dollar continues its eight-week winning streak.Continued rise for eight weeks! The US Dollar Index achieves the longest weekly increase in eighteen years.郭明錤称苹果今年不会推出搭载 M3 芯片的 MacBook 笔记本Valuation falls short of Son's expectations, but IPO still in high demand! Media: ARM oversubscribed by potentially five times.NVIDIA once again powers AI! Collaborates with two major Indian enterprises to develop supercomputers, large-scale models, and applications.This year's most important Apple event preview: Saying goodbye to the iPhone 15, notch display, and Lightning port盒马回应被搁置 IPO:不予置评"Hugging Face," the "Smiling Assassin": Valued at $4.5 billion, tearing down OpenAI's "walls" | AI Unicorn浦发银行官宣人事变动:建行老将张为忠已任党委书记,原董事长行长双双辞任Not just Apple! Tech giants are generally in a predicament.Why is Arm worth the same valuation as Nvidia?Holding 10,000 H100 cards, this AI company has raised $200 million in funding with a valuation of $1 billion, and NVIDIA has invested again!美团又挑起了一场战争Is there a bubble in the US stock market? Six out of ten Americans are trading stocks, the highest since the 2008 financial crisis!Pre-market US stocks | JPMorgan Chase lowers Apple's target price, Arm expects a 20% increase in revenue next year, Goldman Sachs plans a new round of layoffs.CPCA: In August, retail sales of passenger vehicles reached the highest level in history, with a YoY growth of 34.5% in the sales of new energy vehicles.August Electric Vehicle Price War Shows Significant Results, Consumers Rush In | Insight ResearchAnalysis Report | Why is Apple still favored by Wall Street despite two consecutive declines? Can Tencent and JD.com still rise by 40%?Microsoft CFO: AI revenue expected to hit $10 billion at "the fastest pace in software history"Target price of $375! Goldman Sachs: Reels will drive Meta's advertising revenue.Only AI that makes money is good AI.摩根士丹利称中国限制 iPhone 可能影响苹果公司 4% 的收入Mercedes-Benz has unveiled its killer move.VinFast evaporated $150 billion in seven days! Wall Street: Technical analysis is useless for it.US stock market earnings are expected to hit bottom and rebound in the third quarter! What does this mean?Investors' Most Pressing Question: Why Won't Tesla's Profit Margin Decline in the Long Term?乘联会:8 月乘用车批发销量超两万辆车型共 16 个,Model Y 居首Apple, Nvidia's Risks: Funds Have Almost No Room for Increased Holdings!盒马的疯狂可能才刚刚开始ChatGPT 依靠学生开学 “回血”,三个月访问量持续下降,现趋平缓英伟达订单 “多到不可思议”,但 AI 大模型的故事已经不好讲了The Hong Kong government announced that the extreme situation will be maintained at least until midnight.US Stock Options | Pinduoduo Put Options Soar, One Put Can Make 10 Times the Profit! Apple Options Trading Volume Doubles美银:AI 炒作退烧,投资者 11 周来首次抛售科技股"Blockchain + Finance" the most heavyweight application? Goldman Sachs plans to launch Blockchain + Payment and Settlement马斯克称特斯拉工作文化最硬核:永远保持战斗状态