Hong Kong stocks fell on the first day after the holiday: Hang Seng Index and Hang Seng Technology Index both dropped more than 2%. Technology, energy, and real estate sectors all declined, while Evergrande's resumption of trading saw an increase of approximately 28%.试过 GPT-4V 后,微软写了个 166 页的测评报告,业内人士:高级用户必读特斯拉三季度 “拉了”,比亚迪距离 “电车之王” 只差 3400 辆利空出尽?恒大复牌狂飙,一度大涨 40%!港股全线回调,什么情况?"Analysis Report" from Goldman Sachs: Ideal's third-quarter sales exceed guidance, rated as "Buy"诺和诺德:赢得司美格鲁肽专利挑战Under the backdrop of 'higher for longer', what is the trend of the US stock market? Goldman Sachs and Bank of America have different views."Century Anti-Monopoly" case: Microsoft CEO "stabs" because of monopoly, even with AI, we can't catch up with Google search.Next generation will work 3.5 days a week? Morgan Stanley CEO says AI is to thank for this.Hedge funds make a sudden turn: Energy stocks are abandoned after just one week, while technology becomes the new favorite."Master of Promises" Musk, the Cybertruck has once again been delayed, making it difficult to increase deliveries within the year.麦朴思:投资新兴市场离不开阿里巴巴和腾讯Goldman Sachs can't handle it either, is the IPO window for US stocks closing again?新造车 9 月销量:“蔚小理” 继续分化,新品牌穷追猛打电车的 “9 月战事”:降价与智驾,卷无止境英伟达、微软、亚马逊!为什么还值得继续关注?ChatGPT is launching a personalized chatbot with human-like voice, and Meta is planning to release its own version as well. Will AI "profoundly change" social networks?Tesla launches updated Model Y in China, keeps starting price unchanged理想汽车 2023 年 9 月交付 36,060 辆,创单月交付量新高美国参议院通过法案避免政府关门,并送交拜登签署香港证监会点名 6 个可疑虚拟资产平台 无牌但在香港推广3nm,台积电的一道小坎库克证实苹果正在开发,类 ChatGPT 产品Preview of New US Stocks | After a year and a half of running for a US listing, can this insurance company succeed?扎克伯格在元宇宙里一小时的「真人对话」,惊艳了全世界中国铁路辟谣:“高铁因超员触发报警无法发车” 为虚假报道习近平:推进中国式现代化需要处理好若干重大关系美团:“周边游” 搜索量环比增 170%,有望迎五年来最火 “黄金周”New trend in AI application pricing: Pay-per-use!往返香港线路火爆,深圳铁路加开超 1100 列列车数据传通胀放缓利好,美股高开,中概雄起,美股 9 月仍难逃今年最惨月跌港股高开高走,恒生科技涨 3.66%,汽车地产走高,餐饮旅游多数上涨,医药股走低In order to bring down Google, three years ago, Microsoft discussed selling Bing to Apple.Epic Games 宣布裁员 830 人,占比 16%US stocks have rebounded from a four-month low, while the US dollar, US bond yields, and oil prices have cooled down. Offshore renminbi has risen above 7.30 yuan.NVIDIA's French office was subjected to a surprise inspection by the competition regulatory authorities, causing a temporary narrowing of the stock price increase.美股大型科技股盘前多数走低,亚马逊跌超 1%美国第二季度 GDP 增速维持在 2.1% 不变,上周初请失业金人数小幅上升庆祝中华人民共和国成立 74 周年招待会在京举行 习近平发表重要讲话美国消费者支出增速降至一年多来最低水平马云最信任的人动手了MINISO begins "upgrading" | Dolphin Research国家互联网信息办公室就《规范和促进数据跨境流动规定(征求意见稿)》公开征求意见央行等多部门:优化粤港澳大湾区 “跨境理财通” 业务试点,进一步推进大湾区金融市场互联互通