英伟达股东大会:黄仁勋 “涨薪” 六成,希望开辟工业机器人新赛道Micron: Price Increases Can't Meet High Expectations48 Hong Kong-listed companies repurchased shares, with Tencent Holdings, Meituan-W, and AIA-R repurchasing the largest amounts"The American electric car leader" may be in trouble, but Tesla still soared overnight, all because of this reportAmazon plans to launch a discount online store, directly shipping to overseas customers from ChinaLong US long-term bonds! "Internet celebrity US bond ETF" TLT sees record inflowsThe carnival is coming to an end? Hedge funds are selling a record number of technology stocks to retail investorsThe AI wave is sweeping the globe, triggering a surge in storage demand! Micron's revenue soared by 82%, but performance expectations failed to impress Wall StreetAMD 被曝调整锐龙 7 9700X 处理器定位:提高基础 / 加速时钟频率,TDP 从 65W 升至 120W美国手机市场品牌旗舰机占比:苹果超三星 52.4%AI 助推,亚马逊跻身 “2 万亿美元俱乐部”:股价今年已涨 29.13%What are the two areas that the next wave of AI will focus on? What did Huang Renxun say at the NVIDIA shareholders' meeting?US Big Bank easily passes stress test, shareholders' dividend feast is imminent!ZhiTong ADR Statistics | June 27Federal Reserve annual stress test results: Banks pass stress tests, paving the way for increased spendingFederal Reserve: Largest US banks have enough capital to withstand economic disastersMicron Technology's third-quarter report exceeded expectations, but the guidance for the next quarter is not very promising. After-hours trading saw a drop of over 9%. | Financial Report Insights6 月 26 日美股成交额前 20:亚马逊创新高,市值首破 2 万亿美元Amazon rose more than 4%, with a market value exceeding $2 trillion for the first time in history周三热门中概股涨跌不一 蔚来涨 6.2%, 拼多多跌 1.3%The short and quick ending! What did Huang Renxun say at the NVIDIA shareholders' meeting that failed to reverse the stock price decline?Intel showcases its first fully integrated Optical I/O ChipletAt the beginning of the US stock market trading session, the three major stock indexes collectively trended lower, with NVIDIA slightly up, and Rivian surged over 20%贾跃亭:FF 将与中东伙伴加强合作!法拉第未来一度涨超 110%!董事会还想法减轻退市风险早盘:美股涨跌不一 英伟达推动纳指走高After obtaining a key patent in Europe, Anew Medical's stock price soared by 130%How long will it take for US inflation to return to 2%? Cleveland Fed economist: If the economy does not go into recession, it will take another 3 yearsShakeup in the U.S. electric vehicle market, Tesla struggles to hold onto its dominant position开盘:美股周三低开 英伟达继续反弹Major US banks demonstrate capital confidence, accelerating stock buybacks ahead of Federal Reserve stress test results announcementAmidst optimistic voices, what does Micron Tech's financial report reveal?On June 26th, Xiaomi Corporation-W spent HKD 44.5496 million to repurchase 2.5 million sharesCiti: Bullish on enterprise AI inference prospects, raises NVIDIA's target price to $150Hong Kong Stock Market Review: Baidu continues to lag behindAI-Driven Apple in the Replacement CycleStifel is optimistic about Tesla's "growth potential" in the coming years and initiates coverage with a "buy" ratingWho wants to beat 618 the most: JD, Alibaba, or PDD?After in-depth research on the Taiwanese semiconductor supply chain, Morgan Stanley summarized seven conclusionsNVIDIA shareholders meeting and Micron financial report! Tonight will be an important day for chip stocksBlackRock increases its holdings in Li Auto-W by approximately 2.6056 million shares at a price of approximately HKD 69.45 per shareTrading Tip: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day is approaching, Hong Kong stocks will be closed on July 1stPre-market | Faraday Future Intelligent Electric rises by 13%, strengthens cooperation with Middle Eastern partnersConsidering issuing over $1 billion in bonds? Meituan respondsThe "Biden-Trump Showdown" first debate is coming soon! 16 Nobel laureates warn: Trump's policies will exacerbate inflationToday's Important News Review | Dolphin ResearchMarket Insight | Kingsoft Cloud's stock price rises by over 4%, becoming the sole strategic cloud platform within Xiaomi & Kingsoft ecosystemFalling fiercely, rising fiercely! NVIDIA ranks second in S&P performance, retail investors crazy about bottom fishingBear market is coming? Charles Schwab issues a warning, US stock market trend remarkably similar to the previous crash before