恒指开盘小幅下跌,大型科技股多数低开,内险股走强新加坡股市 26 日报:新达产业信托遭抛售11 名内地居民涉「唱高散货 」证监会入禀申禁令恒生科技指数盘初跌幅迅速扩大至 1%特斯拉市值跌破 5000 亿美元,“木头姐” 再次抄底百度:「文心一言」将实现全天候 24 小时不断直播带货风向标!普华永道美国豪掷 10 亿美元开发 AI,“财务的末日” 更近了?Longbridge Breakfast | Meta Platforms Releases Strong Quarterly Report, HuggingChat Claims to Rival GPT3.5广告业务复苏助力 MetaQ1 营收超预期! 再度下调开支指引 盘后一度飙升超 12%大摩:料 5 月是最后一次加息 但美联储不会 “大转弯”新加坡提高房产税,将外国人购房印花税上调一倍至 60%亚马逊开始在云计算和人力资源部门裁员标普四周新低,中概强势跑赢,Meta 财报后涨超 12%,油价重挫中国平安公布一季报,归母营运利润 414 亿元,代理人渠道同比转正,联席首席执行官姚波辞任“少数人” 的胜利,Midjourney 走上 AIGC 神坛690 亿美元并购要黄?欧盟、美国之后,英国监管机构出手反对微软收购暴雪一场可能颠覆整个 AI 世界规则的官司,今年春天将会宣判The US stock market is going to fall? Small-cap stock index will show a "death cross" signal again in a year!信仰回来了?新能源车降价成为了利多ChatGPT 的替代品来了!HuggingChat 号称媲美 GPT-3.5,要拆掉 OpenAI 的围墙中行新任董事长落定:“70 后” 葛海蛟接任Tesla's "buy" rating is less than half! What is Wall Street worried about?$700 billion can't even lift Alphabet-C, all because AI is progressing too slowly?Big Moves | "Unrealistic Sales Ambitions"? Tesla's Rating and Target Price Both Significantly Lowered!一家新势力的另类生存Microsoft is expected to hit a new high for the year, with AI contributing 1% to revenue growth.周鸿祎谈 “万模大战”:目前没有一家能够遥遥领先、一统江湖What To Expect From AMD’s Q1 Results?Pre-market US stocks | Microsoft Azure OpenAI customer growth increased 10 times, Alphabet-C net profit declined for four consecutive quarters, Alibaba Cloud's largest price reduction in historyAlphabet-C Interprets the Key Moment of AI: "The Steeper the Technology Curve, the More Excited We Are"!“多头弹尽粮绝”!高盛警告:美股抛压很大人类首次商业登月失败:日本公司 ispace 的登月舱于着陆前一刻失联,或已坠毁The price reduction effect is no longer obvious, should Tesla advertise?阿里、微软放出大动作,A 股算力龙头巨震,发生了什么?珍酒李渡、梅斯健康暗盘交易中,均跌 3% 左右科技巨头财报会 -- 所有人都想听 AISell in May? No, Hong Kong stocks may rebound in May this year!“一个在喝茶,一个喝红牛”, 知名分析师评谷歌和微软 AI 策略巨头 ChatGPT 大战陷败局,竟因嫌 GPU 太贵!Meta 用 CPU 跑 AI,点错科技树US Stock Options | Tesla, Nvidia Puts Active, FRC, UPS Options Trading Up Sevenfold and Fivefold Respectively乘联会:预计 4 月新能源乘用车零售 50 万辆 环比下降 8.4%滴滴 KargoBot 率先商业化落地,重卡货运或成 L4 级自动驾驶主赛道TikTok 正开发一款 AI 头像功能 可生成最多 30 张照片港交所:今年一季度收入和其他收益及净利润为历来次高MEDIA- China's Ant Group to develop baseband chip with Unisoc and China Unicom - Securities Times