Standard Chartered's Leung Chun Fai: Hong Kong stocks have room to catch up and are expected to challenge the 20,000-point mark in the short term.Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs: US stocks surge, "forcing out" short sellers, hedge funds are unwinding their bearish positions.新加坡股市 14 日报:扬子江船业遭大规模抛售,成交量狂飙HSBC Research lowers Tencent's target price to 425 yuan, maintains a "buy" rating.港交所全日停市BUZZ-Week Ahead-China stimulus in focus as Fed goes silentWeekend, discussions on "reserve requirement ratio cut and interest rate cut" in the mainland flooded the screen.TikTok 推出精简版,没有电商功能微软索尼签署协议:动视暴雪《使命召唤》供应 PS 平台十年Q2 Financial Report Season Kicks Off! Global Stock Market Rally Faces Crucial TestMicrosoft and Sony have reached an agreement to ensure the continued landing of the "Call of Duty" series games on the PlayStation platform.ZHONGAN SERVICE's per share offering price of HKD 1.18 received moderate oversubscription in the public offering.美联储 7 月加息 25 个基点的概率为 96.1%通胀利好将散去 美股新一轮财报季能否再添一把火《盈利预喜》比亚迪半年利润增 1.9-2.3 倍 最多赚 117 亿人民币Wall St Week Ahead-Investors brace for earnings from ‘Magnificent Seven’ US growth giantsObservatory: Considering issuing Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above between midnight and 2 a.m. tomorrow morning.Bard, Cladue, and OpenAI are starting a "battle" of large-scale models overseas. Is OpenAI beginning to counter the trend of internal competition? Meta Platforms defeats Midjourney | [Hard AI] Weekly Report日本股市为什么涨?“十年一遇” 大利好:通货膨胀中金: 失去流动性"助力"的美股知乎 CEO 周源回应匿名功能下线:既往不恋,纵情向前Tesla takes the lead, "The most important financial report of the US stock market" is coming, the AI frenzy and the long bull market in technology will reveal their true colors.Track Hyper | AI Large Models Sprinting Towards Intelligent Mobile EndpointsGPT-4 突然降智,爆料 OpenAI 重新设计构架,用 MOE 降本增效马斯克:AGI 一定会出现,xAI 能超谷歌微软 OpenAI美国总统候选人德桑提斯:一旦当选,将取消央行数字货币马斯克:特斯拉正自研芯片,绝不会叫作 GPU 或是 H100s抢购看跌期权!投资者开始对冲欧股潜在下跌风险网易知识公路宣布关停,视频内容将下架清空Finally, the first Tesla vehicle rolls off the production line. Is it an "ugly toy" or a "cost-cutting killer for gasoline-powered vehicles"?AI is still hot! US stock leaders such as NVIDIA, Microsoft, Broadcom, etc. are all hitting new highs.中信建投陈果:拐点明朗,港股再上台阶Track Hyper | "Double British" Starts the Battle in the Chinese AGI Market美元落万物升!过去一周,“什么都在涨”!利润增速远超销量,比亚迪证明价格战并非唯一出路 | 见智研究Big Model "Android Moment": After Meta, China's top open source Big Model announces "free commercial use"Storage giants huddle together for warmth! Japan's Kamen Rider and Western Digital merge their storage businesses, reaching an agreement before August.为生成式 AI 呵护式 “立规矩” 的三点思考"New Fed Communications Agency": The trend of interest rate hikes in the United States in July has been determined, and the focus of debate is under what circumstances future rate hikes will occur.中报几家欢喜几家愁:晶科能源净利增三倍、比亚迪增两倍,锂矿、半导体公司两位数剧减"The 'Ultimate Apple Analyst': Some titanium mechanical components of the new Watch Ultra may be 3D printed."消费者信心向好,美股五连涨,银行财报季开门红仍转跌,中概回落Citigroup rises more than 1% in pre-market trading, with Q2 revenue reaching $19.4 billion | Financial Report InsightsUS Stock Earnings Season "First Shot": First Republic Bank Performs Well, JPMorgan Chase Q2 Results Exceed Expectations, YoY EPS Growth of 72% | Financial Report Insights