中共中央、国务院:支持平台企业在创造就业、拓展消费、国际竞争中大显身手中共中央、国务院:加大对民营经济政策支持力度The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have issued opinions on promoting the development and growth of the private economy.Big Moves | Alibaba, NVIDIA, Netflix, Meta Platforms! Target prices all raised!ASML, the giant in the lithography machine industry, has raised its full-year sales guidance, with an order backlog of 38 billion euros.Stop the "grand narrative," UBS: The story of central banks buying gold is over.两大 AI 巨头再放大招How can a $700 billion Robotaxi valuation save Tesla? MEITUAN-WR Steps Up AI Efforts: Invests in Prominent AI Modeling Company Zhipu AI, Holding Over 10% StakeAI Version of Office Pricing Released, Far Exceeding Expectations! Microsoft May Be Creating Another Microsoft!What's more important than Tesla's financial report: new production capacity, AI, Model 2, CybertruckValuations are expected to see a potential recovery, with top internet platforms receiving positive outlook.摩根士丹利估算小米集团次季智能手机交付按季升 5% 至 13% 预计迎潜在拐点特斯拉 6 月欧洲销量同比飙升逾一倍特斯拉申请改造柏林超级工厂 计划扩大汽车及电池产能US Stock Options | Microsoft Options Trading Surges Over Threefold, Call Trading Active! Bank of America Options Trading Nearly TriplesTechnology is awesome! Credit Suisse: S&P 500 index year-end target raised to 4700 points.安信证券:经济的触底仍需等待The end of the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike cycle does not necessarily mean a weakening of the US stock market! However...Investors must pay attention to the trading patterns: "Stocks tend to decline before holidays and rise after, and Wednesday and Friday are good days for trading Hong Kong stocks!"NVIDIA is expanding its presence in the GPU cloud market and is nearing the acquisition of LambdaLabs.Guo Jiayao: Hong Kong stocks may experience a short-term correction, possibly testing support at 18,800 points.港股低开,恒生科技跌超 2%,金山软件涨约 3%,有色领涨,游戏回调Free and Open Source! Microsoft actually "cheated" on Meta, OpenAI "got robbed"亚马逊将为新的英国物流中心增聘 2000 名员工Premium far exceeds expectations, how does Wall Street view Microsoft's AI pricing strategy?Qualcomm and Meta Platforms plan to run large AI models on mobile phones.微软和英伟达市值一夜飙升 1750 亿美元,马斯克惊叹:疯狂欧盟或于下周对微软启动反垄断调查:捆绑 Office 和 Teams,和当年 IE 案如出一辙Office AI 版 “超贵定价”,GPT4 应用逐步落地,微软 CEO:未来 AI 将增加 7-10% 全球 GDP美企反对收紧对华芯片出口限制麦肯锡宣布与 AI 创企 Cohere 合作 为客户提供 AI 解决方案推特遭集体诉讼 被指拖欠前员工遣散费至少 5 亿美元美国财政部:中国投资者 5 月份美股减持规模创下纪录美半导体协会呼吁拜登政府 “不要进一步限制” 对华芯片销售No need to fear the sharp drop in US stocks anymore? The first ETF offering 100% downside protection is listed.Bank of America Survey: Betting on Soft Landing, Going Long on Large Tech Stocks Becomes the Most Crowded TradeThe worst period is over! CEO of Morgan Stanley says the decline in trading and investment banking business has bottomed out.Automotive Giant Semiconductor Procurement Manager: Surge in Demand for Electric Vehicles, Shortage of Chips Expected to ResurfaceMEDIA-Microsoft's latest layoffs hit more than 1,000 employees - InsiderThe Dow rose for seven consecutive days, with US stocks hitting a 15-month high. Microsoft and Nvidia reached new highs, while bank stocks were boosted by positive financial reports.Microsoft announces price list for enterprise AI software tools, stock price reaches historic high.A Snapshot of Bank of America's Q2 PerformanceWall Street is becoming more optimistic! Will Alphabet-C catch up?