蒸发 5600 亿元!台积电市值损失规模居亚洲之首;大涨!港股过节 “发红包”富国银行前瞻美国 9 月非农数据花旗:预计美国非农就业人数将大增 24 万人Will the 'anchor of global asset classes' continue to skyrocket or turn around? It all depends on tonight's non-farm payroll report.Hong Kong Stock Market News | SaaS Concept Stocks Lead the Gains, Institutions Believe Domestic SaaS Will Enter a Golden Demand CycleLast quarter's deliveries fell short of expectations, prompting Tesla to once again lower the prices of Model 3 and Model Y in the US market.特斯拉将美国所有车型引荐奖励降至仅 250 美元港股大涨!牛股 8 天暴涨 274%,带火医疗保健板块…新研究发现散发性阿尔茨海默病深层致病机制VinFast 计划在印度和印尼建立工厂Hong Kong stocks opened high and continued to rise, with the Hang Seng Index and Hang Seng Tech Index both up more than 2%. Technology, real estate, and healthcare sectors are all performing well.江疏影代言的梦金园冲刺港股:年营收 157 亿 演员海清是股东天图投资上市破发:跌幅超 20% 公司市值 35 亿港元 投了小红书飞鹤因滥用市场支配地位,谷歌和苹果或被韩国合计罚款 5050 万美元VinFast 第三季营收 3.4 亿美元:交付 1 万辆车 净亏 6.2 亿美元受益两大因素美国债收益率高烧暂稳 但不引发衰退绝不回头!NVIDIA leads a $32 million investment in a robotics factory, where AI+ software redefines the next generation of industrial manufacturing!谷歌发布新一代 Pixel 手机 Pixel 8 和 Pixel 8 Pro:首批搭载最新 Android 14 移动操作系统巴菲特进一步抛售惠普股份,再次减持 307 万股港股天图投资上市首日低开 17%消息人士:OpenAI 正在探索自研 AI 芯片以解决芯片短缺问题High oil prices hit demand, and oil sees its biggest weekly decline since March.Guo Mingchi: META's hardware losses in the metaverse may be higher than market consensus.As US Treasury yields rise, traders are heavily betting on the US dollar.Has the Dow Jones erased all its gains for the year? Is the US stock market at its lowest point?The SEC sues Musk, forcing him to testify about last year's acquisition of Twitter.Before the heavyweight employment report, US stocks rebounded for a day, crude oil hit a new one-month low, and gold fell for the ninth consecutive time.Authoritative journal research warns: Weight loss drugs may cause rare but serious gastric problems such as gastric paralysis.US bond yields are soaring, and Barclays has made a shocking statement: only a major drop in US stocks can save the bond market!Revenue plummets, losses deepen, massive layoffs - "British Nvidia" Graphcore seeks financing for survival.The mystique of AI company valuations: Anthropic at 200 times market-to-sales ratio, OpenAI at 80 times.Hong Kong stocks surged and then fell back, with the Hang Seng Index closing up 0.1%. New energy vehicles were active, but China Evergrande fell 11%."Losses" are approaching $700 billion! With the surge in US bond yields, is another banking crisis looming in the United States?小米汽车将研发增程式电动车,产品已有规划深圳 “认房不认贷” 满月:新房去化周期仍超 17 个月,二手房放盘量增加Hong Kong Stock Market News | Hong Kong Aerospace Technology Soars 11% in Afternoon Trading, Collaborates with EOS to Establish Aerospace 3D Printing Innovation Application CenterTotalEnergies: closes sale of 50% stake in Surmont to ConocoPhillips and sells remainder of upstream Canadian assets to SuncorHong Kong Stock Market News | Most gaming stocks rebound, Huoyan Holdings surges 31%, institutions optimistic about investment value in the gaming sector.JPMorgan: High oil prices have already begun to "disrupt demand"In the 'dilemma', Good Child International, with declining revenue and market value, has become 'frozen'.蔚来汽车:电动超跑 NIO EP9 再次登陆又一全球顶级赛车游戏《极限竞速》Google faces "significant risks", will Apple switch "default search"? But investors see "cheap"Hong Kong Stock Market News | Jiayue Health Soars 1.3 Times in Intraday Trading, Turns Loss into Profit in the First Half of the Year.