5 分钟飞 20 公里成本 60 元,上海 “空中出租车” 要来了The next AI trading - EnergyPre-market US Stocks | XPeng, Li Auto lead the decline in electric vehicle stocks! Cryptocurrency stocks riseWSB Hot Discussion | Intel plunges nearly 5% in pre-market trading, General Electric completes spin-off of its energy divisionBank of America: Fed "internal strife", Powell, Waller differ, the risk is "if it can't be lowered in June, then we have to wait until March next year"Rating Quick Look | Xiaomi's target price continues to be raised! Tesla, Li Auto, Netease all face price cutsUS Stock Options | Tesla options trading soared! Micron Technology "halved", Nvidia fell back直击光大证券业绩说明会:存量风险顺利处置,收益率重回行业良性状态Top 10 HK Stock Gainers (4.3)Top 10 HK Stock Losers (4.3)Top 5 HK Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (4.3)Li Lu: Uncover intrinsic value, understand the essence of the market近 12 万投资者爆仓 比特币一度跌破 6.5 万美元The next milestone for Legendary Creature in going global | Jianzhi Research中国人民银行 国家金融监督管理总局联合印发《关于调整汽车贷款有关政策的通知》申万宏源 “泼冷水”:小米 SU7 除了外观是绝对加分项外,其他配置等竞争力仍需观察AI 化身 “吞电巨兽” 内存计算或成省电新招After the strongest earthquake in 25 years in Taiwan, the Taiwan stock market fell, with TSMC's Zhunan plant partially shut down due to the earthquake. Both the Japanese and South Korean stock markets fell by 1%海外网友眼中的小米 SU7:超前、想买和 “像保时捷”Night Trading | Breaking News! Semiconductor stock prices fall摩根大通:汇丰控股完成出售加拿大业务正面 料股价短期坚挺“动量投资之父” 旗下基金建仓阿里巴巴,富达旗下基金增持阿里幅度达 100%Tesla delivers a "Waterloo", besides sluggish demand, does Musk have to bear the biggest blame?Goldman Sachs: Less than 5% of companies use AI in the first year after the "AI revolution", but early adopters see significant efficiency gainsSpecializing in Bitcoin volatility! Bitcoin leveraged and short ETFs are here小米汽车开启首批交付 雷军宣布:小米正式成为一家车厂!《分析》美股估值已然太高,美债收益率上升又将带来考验Perplexity is going to do auction ranking. Is the end of the big model still advertising?Samsung CXL, a global first, unveils 3D DRAM roadmap小米方面回应产能问题:全力以赴提高产能,并充分动员供应链伙伴全力保供台湾地震已在震源周围引发局地海啸Bank of China 2023 Performance Conference: Actively and orderly advancing mid-term dividends报道:台积电部分厂区进行疏散,预计对公司第二财季影响约 6000 万美金段永平:对贵州茅台一股未卖Xi Jinping spoke with US President Biden over the phone报道:中国台湾发生 7.3 级地震,芯片代工厂产线营运正常通胀降温预示美联储降息在即?市场观点激烈对峙!传芯片制造商 Cerebras Systems 选择花旗担任 IPO 主承销商 最早下半年在美上市台气象部门:这是台湾地区自 921 地震发生 25 年来最大规模地震花莲 7.2 级地震 台积电部分厂区进行人员疏散"Thought it would be bad, didn't expect it to be this bad!", Tesla falls from grace变革一年后,阿里赌注抬升