When the AI focus shifts from large models to applications, NVIDIA's GPU dominance is not so solid.你想要 H100 吗?Inflation on the rise again? Keep an eye on tonight's heavyweight CPI data for August in the United States!蚂蚁奏响新 “命运狂想曲”券业 “隐藏销售王者” 换帅,王建力出任中金财富总经理After twenty years, another "century anti-monopoly" battle, Google's search faces a lawsuit similar to Microsoft's IE.Apple cuts prices for iPhone 14 series in China -websiteAlibaba Cloud's open-source AI model "Tongyi Qianwen" is officially open to the public.The dawn of semiconductors, Samsung raises prices!Breakfast | US stocks sluggish on the eve of heavyweight inflation data, lack of highlights in Apple's conference dragging down stock pricesUS bank stocks hit hard! Wall Street executives fiercely criticize new capital regulations.媒体:腾讯据悉获得万代南梦宫《蔚蓝色法则》手游版的开发和发行权特斯拉在 8 月连续第三个月位居做空最多的美国大型股榜首--HazeltreeSamsung is also making efforts in AI and collaborating with Microsoft to develop chatbots.Tesla's stock price has skyrocketed, but not everyone is buying it. Opponents say: "Morgan Stanley has missed out before!"The Nasdaq fell 1%, with large-cap tech stocks down about 2%. Oracle experienced its deepest plunge in over twenty years, while oil prices reached a ten-month high.Apple's most anticipated event of the year: unveiling the iPhone and smartwatch.The United States sues Google and officially brings the largest antitrust lawsuit in twenty years to court!Goldman Sachs Deep Dive Report: Dojo Building Tesla's AI Empire with "Trillions of Dollars" in Returns ExpectedTesla's valuation is not high because it is "unique and distinctive".Tmall creator steps down, Alibaba "goes on the offensive"Hedge Fund's New Move in US Stocks! Goldman Sachs: This Time It's About Consumer StocksBefore the US stock market opens, Tesla fell 0.6%, while Apple rose 0.35%.TikTok 在美国正式推出电商业务 “TikTok Shop”,自行负责库存与物流Pre-market US stocks | Apple's 2023 Fall Event kicks off tonight, Arm receives 10 times oversubscription, TikTok Shop fully launches in the United States.美银调查:全球股票配置升至 17 个月高位IEA: The "End" of the Fossil Fuel Era in the World外媒:iPhone 15 Pro 系列机型将配备 8GB 内存和高达 1TB 存储Forget about NVIDIA! These 50 US stocks will benefit from AI in the long term.OpenAI: Disrupting everything, also being disrupted by everythingGoogle antitrust case goes to trial, who will be the ultimate winner?Wall Street's most optimistic strategist: The S&P 500 index is expected to rise to 4900 points by the end of this year!瑞幸加茅台、可口可乐卖酒、青岛啤酒卖茶…这届饮料为何争当 “双向奔赴” 特种兵?US Stock Options | Tesla and Apple Put-Call Ratio Significantly Decreases, Oracle and Qualcomm Options Trading Volume Triples格芯斥资 40 亿美元在新加坡开设芯片制造厂The chatbot landscape is changing! Personalized Character.AI is quickly catching up to ChatGPT in the United States.Surrounding the prospects of Tesla's stock price, the big short fiercely criticizes the "bullish" Morgan Stanley.Why did the central bank "rarely" release credit data at noon?The sorrow of humanity? Wharton MBA can't match ChatGPT in terms of business creativity.顺周期,选股票还是商品?Wu Yongming's First All-Staff Letter as CEO of Alibaba: Times are Changing, Alibaba Must Change (Full Text)The largest lithium reserve in the United States has been discovered! The lithium reserves of Lithium Americas' Thacker Pass project could reach as high as 40 million tons.特斯拉大空头驳斥摩根士丹利研报:别忘了他们在特斯拉有大笔投资Huatai Securities: It is expected that second-tier and lower-tier cities will have the opportunity to experience comprehensive relaxation. Optimistic about core regional abundant housing demand for real estate companies.Huang Renxun's "300 billion new market," Nvidia's cloud ambitions