行业整体仍处库存消化阶段 中芯国际上半年净利润同比下降 34.1% | 财报见闻“零售之王” 招行:上半年净利润增长 9.12%,净利息收入逆势增长李强主持召开国务院常务会议 审议通过《医药工业高质量发展行动计划(2023-2025 年)》《医疗装备产业高质量发展行动计划(2023-2025 年)》和《关于规划建设保障性住房的指导意见》COUNTRY GARDEN Yang Family Shows Sincerity in Debt Repayment鲍威尔将于今日 22:05 发表重磅讲话LIVE MARKETS-STOXX futures fall ahead of Jackson Hole财政部等三部门发布关于延续实施支持居民换购住房有关个人所得税政策的公告电商食用盐销量增 5 倍,京东超市:已提前备货,量大价稳消息称 SK 海力士为应对 HBM 需求激增 拟增加封装技术人员美股 8 月大跌后市场 “两极分化”:散户撤退,机构抄底Hong Kong stocks fluctuate | Property stocks surge in the afternoon, three departments promote the implementation of policies on purchasing first-time home loans, "recognizing houses without recognizing loans" measures.桥水中国:美联储转向宽松的条件尚未成熟Short-selling in Hong Kong stocks reached 8.1 billion yuan in the morning session, accounting for 24.2% of the total short-selling volume.AI Track Rising Star Hugging Face Secures Financing from Google and Amazon, Valued at $4.5 BillionHong Kong Stock Market Fluctuation | STAR CM Plunges Over 8%, "China's Good Voice" Program Temporarily Suspended"The Rise of 'Little Broken Station' in the E-commerce Wave"NVIDIA rides the AI wave to rake in huge profits. How much attention can Arm, which is about to go public, attract?网易跌超 5%,Q2 业绩不及预期高盛下调亚太股市预期目标美团盘中一度跌 7%Amazon and Disney are in negotiations for ESPN streaming media cooperation.新加坡股市 24 日报:恒生科技 ETF 涌入大量买单高盛发布研究报告称,维持友邦保险 “买入” 评级,目标价 101 港元According to reports, Nvidia's GPU production will triple by 2024: H100 is expected to reach 2 million units.可商业化,最强开源文本生成代码模型!Code Llama 重磅发布After the Earnings Report exceeded expectations, the "most optimistic bull" set a target price of $1100, predicting that NVIDIA will double its value!Because of a wrong statement, Musk "lost 40 million dollars"恒大物业:将拥有充足营运资金以满足直至 2024 年 6 月的财务责任Two officials from the Federal Reserve believe that interest rates are approaching their peak, but they do not rule out the possibility of further rate hikes.鲍威尔重磅讲话前 AI 动力熄火,美股重挫,纳指跌近 2%,英伟达涨近 7% 后险些收跌Amidst the surge in US mortgage rates to a 22-year high, real estate agents have introduced a 1% down payment plan.Apple's Attitude Shift: Supporting California's Right to Repair Bill"Vietnam's Tesla" staged a game-like frenzy, soaring 56% intraday, with a market value surpassing $120 billion.US economic resilience recedes, retail stocks slump, "necessities within necessities" dollar stores hit hard, stock prices plummet | Earnings Report InsightsTwo months surge by 40%! Cohere, the OpenAI rival backed by NVIDIA, is valued at $3 billion.Is there a bad omen for the US economy? T-Mobile plans to lay off 5,000 employees.富途美股高开 7%,二季度营收同比增 42%,净利润涨近 75% | 财报见闻美团电话会:第三季度增长可能会放缓,线上消费的频率会更高美国 7 月耐用品订单数据不及预期,美元指数拉升、黄金下挫穆迪:近期中融信托产品逾期对中国金融机构直接影响可能有限杰克逊霍尔央行盛会来袭 鲍威尔将重演 “痛苦 9 分钟”?Ten consecutive declines! Since its listing, Nike's stock price has never been so miserable.