Data rekindles hopes of a soft landing, US stocks rise, Arm's debut soars over 20%, expectations for the end of the ECB rate hike increase, and the euro plunges.Arm's first day of listing, Son Masayoshi talks extensively about AI: self-proclaimed devout believer, AI will greatly surpass human intelligence.纳斯达克 100 指数涨 1%,特斯拉、Meta、苹果至多涨 1.7%US August PPI, "terrifying data," exceeds expectations, causing the dollar and US bond yields to rise.After a market value evaporation of $300 billion, Apple should adjust its strategy.Is the bear market in small-cap stocks in the US continuing? The Russell 2000 Index falls below its 200-day moving average.Pre-market trading in US stocks | Arm to debut on Nasdaq tonight, focus on US August PPI and "terrifying data", TSMC's 3nm chips to be mass-produced next year.Technical Analysis | The current US stock market may still be a "bear market rebound"Under the "profit margin pressure," it is difficult for US stocks to achieve a breakthrough in significant gains.Hong Kong IPO | Tencent and Leapmotor are cornerstone investors in Tuhu AutoUS Stock Options | Apple, Alibaba Put Options Surge, Netflix Options Trading TriplesAhead of the earnings report, Adobe announced the full commercialization of its AI application Firefly, with pricing lower than OpenAI.国泰君安召开业绩说明会:股价,降薪,声誉风险管理等热门话题一一回应Although Apple didn't explicitly say it, the iPhone 15 is "very AI".ARM's IPO, Goldman Sachs' "Battle of Prestige"星巴克董事会洗牌:彻底告别舒尔茨时代,新增阿里老将张蔚Breakfast | Stubborn inflation may lead to Fed rate hikes this year, Apple falls to four-week low, offshore renminbi rebounds by 900 points.Arm IPO is set! The issue price is at the top of the range at $51, with a valuation of $54.5 billion. Trading will commence on Thursday.Citi undergoes its most significant restructuring in twenty years, with the elimination of two core departments, potentially leading to a large number of layoffs.S&P closes higher in a thrilling manner, Apple drops over 1%, Chinese new energy vehicle stocks plummet together, offshore RMB rises by 300 points.Deep Dive into Arm's Prospectus: Can the Dominant Player in the Mobile Era Sustain its Myth in the AI Era?The Federal Reserve may be disappointed! The US core CPI accelerated on a monthly basis, causing the US dollar and US bond yields to rise.美国 8 月 CPI 同比增加 3.7%,预期 3.6%,前值 3.2%EU Negative News Strikes! BYD and "Wei Xiaoli" in Trouble, Tesla Emerges as the Big Winner?外交部:中国没有出台禁止购买和使用苹果等外国品牌手机的法律法规和政策文件Facing Apple's iPhone 15, Wall Street is becoming pessimistic.Pre-market trading in US stocks: Goldman Sachs lowers Apple's target price, "Wei Xiaoli" falls across the board, BlackRock warns of rising risks of US recession.途虎养车:宣布于港交所主板上市计划,发售价每股最高不超过 31 港币The Other Side of Apple: Financial Technology GiantNew Stock Analysis | LeCang Logistics: Performance Fluctuations and Who Will Pay the Bill After the Cooling Down of Cross-border Logistics?Salesforce's B2B AI Strategy: Security and Reliability are ParamountAs numerous tech stocks embark on their IPO journey, German sandal brand Birkenstock has also joined the fray.对冲基金再度空转多,WTI 原油净多头头寸升至一年多来新高Chinese concept stocks embrace tactical investment opportunities, especially Alibaba?Amazon to invest over $440 million to increase third-party delivery program driver compensation.US Stock Options | Oracle Options Trading Surges Sixfold, Some Puts Make a Whopping 2500% Profit! Apple Options Trading DoublesFitch: Optimizing Solvency Regulation Standards in China Can Alleviate Capital Pressure on Insurance CompaniesWhen the AI focus shifts from large models to applications, NVIDIA's GPU dominance is not so solid.你想要 H100 吗?Inflation on the rise again? Keep an eye on tonight's heavyweight CPI data for August in the United States!蚂蚁奏响新 “命运狂想曲”券业 “隐藏销售王者” 换帅,王建力出任中金财富总经理After twenty years, another "century anti-monopoly" battle, Google's search faces a lawsuit similar to Microsoft's IE.Apple cuts prices for iPhone 14 series in China -website