Tmall launches the "Fast Consumption Effect Map" to break the cycle of excessive competition in the beauty and personal care industry.Five years ago, when Amazon and Microsoft encountered OpenAI one after another, the gears of destiny began to预计今年 iPhone 15 系列中国市场销量约 1000 万部 较上一代同期下滑 22%MEDIA-Apple Store workers to strike in France on iPhone 15 launch day - Bloomberg NewsWhat's the next move in the smart driving competition? Where does Xiaopeng Motors stand?「深呼吸」让大模型表现更佳!谷歌 DeepMind 利用大语言模型生成 Prompt,还是 AI 更懂 AI蚂蚁服务亚运计划再升级 10 个亚洲电子钱包可无缝跨境支付Hang Seng Index Company: Attractive Yield and Valuation, Banking Stocks Outperforming the Market以史为鉴:1929-1933 的美国大萧条能让我们学到什么?“木头姐” 抛售特斯拉逾 2000 万美元股票,此前重申 1400 美元熊市目标价太古可口可乐苏州工厂破土动工,2025 年年底前建成投产"Long-term high interest replaces rate hikes"! On the eve of the Federal Reserve's decision, the market embraces the "new logic of the central bank," have the rules of the game changed?Xiaopeng "Fighting" G9AI 操作系统与应用两手抓仍难逃内卷?第四范式头顶 200 亿估值冲击港股 IPOLilly sues multiple companies, accusing them of illegal sales of the "weight loss miracle drug" Mounjaro.英特尔在软件开发者大会发布新款芯片,标榜 “AI 个人电脑” 概念连百济神州都被 “退货”,国产 PD-1 怎么了?比亚迪海豚在日本上市,起售价 363 万日元阿里影业高开近超 7% 宣布收购大麦网Elon Musk's "brain-computer interface" company, Neuralink, has made new progress: it has started recruiting volunteers for human trials.谷歌自称谷歌搜索已不是广告主 “必需品”,客户预算正流向亚马逊和 TikTokHawks expect a warming trend as traders increase their bets on "higher for longer" and reduce the magnitude of interest rate cuts for next year and beyond.Hong Kong Stock Buybacks Surge!Oil prices soar, shaking up a series of trading strategies on Wall Street!英媒:英国已邀请中国参加 11 月全球人工智能安全峰会美国汽车工人联合会:或将在本周五扩大罢工范围The "mastermind" behind the surge in US oil prices is actually this oil company!AI Bubble Burst? Hedge Funds Go Crazy Shorting Semiconductor StocksGive a boost to the US labor market! Amazon will hire 250,000 seasonal workers, surpassing pre-pandemic levels, and even offering salary increases!US stocks hit a two-week low, Instacart rose 12%, oil prices paused their upward trend, and US bond yields reached a sixteen-year high.Internet outage? No problem! Intel's latest generation architecture will unveil its first AI chip by the end of the year.Don't be too optimistic about a soft landing, Pimco: High oil prices could lead to a 15% drop in the S&P.Disney plans to double its investment in theme parks over the next decade, with a whopping $60 billion!美版 “美团” 流血 2100 亿元冲刺 IPO 估值跳水的 “独角兽” 希望何在?道指跌 180 点,中概指数跌 1.4%,蔚来跌超 11%,油价再创十个月最高上海:加快布局区块链、工业互联网、算力、机器人、车联网等事关未来的关键基础设施Alibaba Pictures plans to acquire 100% equity of Pony Media, a live performance supplier, from Alibaba Group for $167 million.招行再任命两位副行长,“一正五副一助” 高管格局搭就专访马斯克传记作者:他就是个混蛋 但只有这样够狠够强硬才能成功NIO, Showing Its Wolf SpiritOracle CEO“盛赞” 自家云业务:需求非常大,一周轻松拿到 15 亿美元 AI 订单Bernstein "pours cold water" on Arm: It's too early to say AI is the winnerMLF“按兵不动” 本月 LPR 会下调吗?贝壳翻越第二座山瑞银:中国股市可能已经触底8 月全球热门移动游戏收入 TOP10:腾讯《王者荣耀》蝉联冠军快手自研文生图大模型 “可图” 正式登场