Bitcoin, which has doubled in price this year, is poised to break through $40,000. Is it just a matter of time?Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-week Highs and Lows Statistics | December 1stGoldman Sachs 2024 Metal Outlook: Chinese demand unleashed, copper price breaks $10,000 per tonUnder the shadow of the iceberg, the US banking industry saw a staggering 22% increase in losses in the third quarter. Will SVB make a comeback and make an impact?Why were you fired? And why did you come back? Altman's first interview after "returning to the palace" is here.How do you view today's PDD? Huang Zheng has thought it through before going public.中信展望明年人民币反弹区间:6.9-7.3每日数字货币动态汇总Mission accomplished! Retail investors are busy cashing out, is this round of US stock frenzy coming to an end?* 大摩降阿里评级至「与大市同步」下调京东目标价至 30 美元国鸿氢能登录港交所:等待氢能源的降本 “甜蜜点” | 见智研究"Wood Sister" deserves the title of "Queen of Elasticity". ARKK flagship fund soared 31% in November.特斯拉 Cybertruck 正式交付,一场为期 11 年的自我革命Coinbase Survives the Crypto Winter with Over 100% Year-to-Date Growth中国奥园境外重组成功:正积极争取 “活钱”,期待加入 “白名单”Tesla's new car failed to boost the Nasdaq, but in November, US stocks rebounded significantly, achieving the largest monthly gain in a year. US bonds had their best performance since 2008.Tesla Cybertruck deliveries begin for the $80,000 to $100,000 version, cheaper models to come in the following year美股三大指数高开中信 2024 年十大产业趋势展望:AI 原生应用爆发,特斯拉引领具身智能 + 端到端Barclays Outlook for US Stocks: Year-end "sprint" has exhausted the gains, next year's increase will be in single digits.港交所:提议证券市场及衍生产品市场在恶劣天气下可继续提供交易、结算及交收服务碧桂园获邀参加工商银行组织的房企座谈会当这个指标达到零时,美联储可能很快会停止 QTThe wave of technology stocks is far from over. The "Big Seven" are expected to continue leading the US stock market next year.黄峥逆袭马云的四大战役“自动驾驶” 在中国应该怎样落地?With two "miracle drugs" in hand for weight loss and Alzheimer's disease, can Lilly become the first "trillion-dollar pharmaceutical company"?斯坦福华人博士 AI 视频生成产品 Pika 1.0 爆火!揭秘黄仁勋:AI“军火商” 大 BOSS,是如何炼成的?Wall Street's most pessimistic forecast is out! JPMorgan Chase predicts that the S&P 500 will fall to 4,200 points next year."Strongest component of the Dow Jones" surges after market close, Salesforce's profit guidance exceeds expectations, AI demand is booming! | Earnings Report500 亿元!两大巨头罕见联手入市The S&P and Nasdaq both turned down, PDD's market value briefly surpassed Alibaba, Bilibili dropped by 11%, and short-term bond yields plunged again.拼多多好日子何时到头?大罢工结束后,通用汽车放大招:投资者为中心,重拾华尔街信心!美股三大指数高开,通用汽车开盘涨逾 10%The delivery of the Cybertruck will begin on Thursday, which is the most anticipated focus of the market.The strong expectation of the yen's appreciation has prompted Japanese exporters to "take the lead"What to pay attention to in 2024? Bank of America: Global central banks may cut interest rates in the middle of the year, and Japan is expected to break free from the "lost three decades".Formidable Competitors that Jack Ma Cannot Ignore游戏行业的政策风向标,行业最具影响力盛会下月开幕有了 AI,亚马逊把物流玩得更溜了字节重新想了想自己的游戏业务,决定让流量去别处跳动Expanding product categories during the off-season, BOSIDENG doesn't want to only sell winter clothing.芒格生前最后一次参加股东大会:关于阿里、比亚迪和 ChatGPTFending off the fierce attack from Douyin, but the tough days for MEITUAN-W are far from over | Insights from JZ Research赛力斯不会被华为抛弃 | 见智研究Bullish signals are flashing in the US stock market! Companies and insiders are going crazy buying back stocks.