How to choose stocks in 2024? Goldman Sachs lists ten stocks with accelerating revenue growthIn the fierce competition, the stock price of the shipping giant soared, attracting market attention to this stock.On the occasion of Meta Platforms soaring to its highest level in two years, Mark Zuckerberg "cashes out" at a high point, pocketing nearly $500 million.开年的美股,在还去年底的债媒体曝拼多多本地生活全部暂停? 内部人士:多多买菜仍正常运营Conservative Growth of Gu Ming IPO: What We Gained and What We Lost摩根士丹利发布研究报告称,维持腾讯控股 “增持” 评级,预计今年经调整净利增长 30%,目标价 430 港元Joint Statement by More than Ten Countries including the United States and the United Kingdom: Warning Houthi Militants to Cease Attacks on Red Sea Merchant Ships, or Face the Consequences每日数字货币动态汇总Hong Kong Stock Market News | SINOHOPE TECH drops more than 10% as Bitcoin experiences severe volatility. Investors are concerned that the US SEC will reject the approval of a certain Bitcoin ETF.Hong Kong Stock Market News | BC Technology Group falls more than 9%, market concerns that spot ETFs may be difficult to approve in the short term, Bitcoin prices plummet.* 大摩相信腾讯股价 60 日内将升Hong Kong Stock Market News | MNSO surges nearly 8% in early trading, institutions predict company's future revenue to exceed HKD 20 billion in the next three years.静待新王:中国创新药的 2024亚市早盘:美联储会议纪要公布 亚洲股市跟随美股下跌"Seven Giants" face a difficult start in 2024, with Apple leading the way in a $383 billion tech stock collapse.Breakfast | Global markets rapidly shift to risk-off mode, ByteDance's US e-commerce business challenges Amazon's scale.中金:黄金还能买吗?What happened? Bitcoin plunged 9% at one point, causing 170,000 people to be liquidated.互联网巨头 “抄底” 互联网!The minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting are not very "dovish": inflation risks have decreased, and it is appropriate to cut interest rates in 2024, but the path of interest rates is very uncertain and there is still a possibility of raising them.On November 29th, SpaceX launched the first batch of satellites for direct mobile communication. T-Mobile users can now send text messages.US Stock Market Update | Bitcoin Plunges Over 10%, Related Stocks Follow Suit with Coinbase Down Nearly 4%道指开盘跌 0.3%,标普 500 跌 0.5%,纳指跌 0.8%比特币出现剧烈波动 机构:对现货 ETF 获批持悲观态度BIDU-SW "Returns" YY2023, BABA-SWR in a state of sorrow and distress.过去 1 小时加密市场合约爆仓 3.84 亿美元 多为多单爆仓Pre-market US stocks | NTES-S, Ideal rise! NVIDIA, Tesla fall! Market awaits tonight's Fed minutes中金:美国提前降息或成通胀中枢走高触发剂,低通胀、低利率、低波动 “三低时代” 将终结Apple's short-selling data surges!Rating Quick Look | Target prices for TENCENT, NTES-S, and Bilibili have been lowered again! Alibaba and PDD are favored.What information does the prospectus of Meixuebingcheng reveal?Understanding PSL in one articleZhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week Highs and Lows Statistics | January 3rdFOMC minutes are coming tonight, is the Fed going to "pour cold water" again?DRAM price hike? Samsung Electronics and Micron Tech are reportedly considering a price increase of 15%-20%.Global markets start the new year on a gloomy note, but Bitcoin defies the trend with a "red hot" start.Is the AI dream starting to fade behind the sell-off of tech stocks at the beginning of the year?阿斯麦:中国订单已全数交付The hottest trading themes in the US stock market in 2024 have been revealed: AI and weight loss drugs are equally popular.US Stock Options | Tesla trading volume falls, Apple rebounds! BABA-SWR, NIO continue to be heavily boughtWedbush: Apple and Microsoft lead the charge for the Nasdaq to hit 20,000 points this year.Could Meta Platforms become the biggest beneficiary of AI? $600 is within reach?里昂:首予零跑汽车买入评级 目标价 47 港元