黄峥的 AI 哲学:拼多多不跟大模型Meta 用 35 万个 H100,打造超级军火库网易宣布发射 “逆水寒” 卫星英伟达概念股 SoundHound 六天累涨超 70%!Microsoft's latest chatbot has arrived! Specializing in treating hacker attacks.After-hours trading | NVIDIA's held stocks are launching the second wave of attacks!南非将在月底前向 60 个加密货币平台发放许可证Hong Kong Stock Market Update: LESI GROUP surged over 8%, skyrocketing by 224% in the first 5 trading days after its listing.投行对两大电动车巨头出手!比亚迪目标价被上调 121%,特斯拉被下调 40%欧洲航空监管机构:必要时将撤销对波音生产认证的承认美知名组织 BIO 称正采取措施剔除药明康德会员资格 支持《生物安全法》Hong Kong Stock Market Update: Property stocks are on the rise, with CIFI HOLD GP leading the way with a surge of over 9%. Hangzhou has fully lifted restrictions on the purchase of second-hand homes.OpenAI CTO:Sora 计划年底对外发布,或增加音频和视频编辑功能The AI wave is driving the growth of super microcomputers, analysts predict strong revenue growth ahead.Morgan Stanley: U.S. stock automotive sector is "attractive", with Ford Motor as the top choice.Hong Kong stock market anomaly | Gold stocks collectively rise, CHINAGOLDINTL surges over 11%. Morgan Stanley predicts that this year's gold price is expected to rise to $2500.特斯拉成新任贬值之王陈茂波:社交媒体投资骗局令投资者蒙受损失 冀加强公众教育阿里巴巴全球数学竞赛官宣启动,首次向 AI 开放保时捷 2023 年业绩创新高,中国市场卖不动了Without growth, is there still valuation? Wall Street predicts: Revenue will decline! Tesla continues to plummet.After announcing the purchase of coins, "Bitcoin shadow stock" MSTR surged by 11%, and has risen by 180% this year.理解市场 | 苹果开年不顺,华尔街为何仍在唱多?Breakfast | Bank of America Merrill Lynch believes NVIDIA is not expensive and can rise by 21%, the U.S. House of Representatives passes the TikTok Act.价格战和技术进步对 CPI 的影响有多大?狂热升温!Memecoin 交易量达加密货币泡沫破裂前水平Chasing high and increasing positions! MicroStrategy issued bonds again this month to raise funds for buying coins. Can we expect a long bull market for Bitcoin?比特币大牛诺沃格拉茨:5 万美元以下不再见报道:阿里巴巴计划未来三年在韩国投资 11 亿美元Top 10 US Stock Gainers (3.13)Top 10 US Stock Losers (3.13)Top 5 CDRs Gainers/Losers (>100M) (3.13)Top 5 US Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (3.13)Chip stocks rebounded for a day, while the S&P and Nasdaq fell back. Tesla dropped more than 4%. Chinese concept stocks outperformed the market, and Bitcoin surged past $73,000, hitting a new all-time high.拼多多喜提 “3.15” 大奖?五粮液打假拼多多The European Central Bank has announced a new monetary policy framework, establishing a system of interest rate floors and devolving more power to banks.美股区块链概念股上涨集体上涨:PayPal 涨超 5%,Coinbase 涨超 4%U.S. Stock Market Update | Bitcoin-related stocks surge, MicroStrategy up over 7%零跑朝理想 “开了一枪”华为最大对手要退出中国?UBS: Key Issues of Concern for Overseas Institutions CurrentlyETF 净流入创历史新高!比特币势如破竹冲上 73000 美元Porsche Automobil Holding SE is feeling the pressure.比特币疯涨背后:七成交易量来自亚洲 国内投资者警惕 “暗道” 炒币陷阱The competition for Bitcoin ETF is heating up as VanEck Russia ETF attracts $200 million in funds by waiving fees.In 2014, Dogecoin surged by 30,000,000 times! Why did most people end up losing money?美通胀未止,但企业已开始降价