Market Insight | Alibaba-SW Surges Over 3% Now, Earnings to be Released After Market Tomorrow, Online GMV Expected to Achieve Healthy Growth腾讯和字节的幽灵在中国 AI 的上空徘徊港股内房股延续涨势,中国奥园涨超 40%,佳兆业集团涨超 20%SMIC's net profit in the first quarter fell by 68%, but the immediate concern is not profit"Microsoft-OpenAI" model! Chinese "AI unicorn" has been invested all over, Alibaba is the biggest funder of AI in ChinaKey indicator for the Fed's interest rate cut decision: Rent prices!Are the "Magnificent 7" fundamentals as solid as a rock? Are they still the "main force" leading the US stock market to new heights?Breakfast | Chinese concept giants such as Alibaba and Tencent will release their financial reports this week, while Apple is close to reaching an agreement with OpenAI日媒:日企纷纷返聘老员工,丰田将返聘年龄上限调至 70 岁这是港股目前最重要的五个问题!The hottest sector in the US stock market: Utilities with a combination of "defense and AI"中金:4 月金融数据放缓主因金融 “挤水分”,不必夸大影响Global central banks' "gold rush" is more intense than what you seeAlibaba Cloud made a big moveWanwu Cloud launched an industry revolutionHaier's market value soared by nearly a trillion7000 亿龙头券商高管换届,董事长总经理 “浮出水面”Robin Li "quickly approves" Xu Jing resignsDow Jones Industrial Average sees "eight consecutive gains", European and British stocks hit new highs, Hong Kong stocks outperform S&P this year - the global "value" counterattack!Everyone wants to know how Apple "AI-izes"? The answer is here: Siri!景林资产 13F:Q1 增持台积电、英伟达,减持拼多多,建仓阿里和京东ZEEKR's US stock market debut closed up 34.57% on the first day, with a market value exceeding 50 billionFed Governor Bowman turns hawkish: I see no reason to cut interest rates this yearStagflation threat and the Fed's hawkish stance suppress US stocks, Nasdaq falls back, Dow continues its eighth consecutive rise, ZEEKR makes a strong debut with a 35% surge, gold surges throughout the weekXiaomi captures April's car market traffic | Jianzhi ResearchTop 5 US Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (5.10)Top 10 US Stock Losers (5.10)Top 10 US Stock Gainers (5.10)Top 5 CDRs Gainers/Losers (>100M) (5.10)More focused on AI and semiconductors, even intending to compete with NVIDIA! SoftBank sells part of its "Vision Fund" assetsEuropean stocks hit a 16-year high! UBS analyst: European stocks are now better than US stocks首申跳涨!美国就业崩了吗?巴克莱:别慌郭胜北:美国流动性危机渐行渐远?还是已经悄然逼近?【纽约 Talk 1】Pre-market trading in US stocks | Nvidia leads the tech stocks! ZEEKR makes its debut on the market todayRating Quick Look | ARM, Robinhood Target Prices Raised! Duolingo, Rivian Face Price Cuts又见大股东增持银行,重庆水投意欲增持渝农商行China Passenger Car Association: Passenger car retail sales in April decreased by 5.7% year-on-year, while new energy vehicle retail sales increased by 28.3% year-on-yearNio and others welcomed reinforcementsUS Stock Options | ET, Amazon, Robinhood trading volume surges! Apple "doubles", Tesla falls backTop 10 HK Stock Losers (5.10)Top 10 HK Stock Gainers (5.10)Top 5 HK Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (5.10)Next week! Super earnings week for Chinese concept stocks!AI 带动芯片复苏扩散 台积电 4 月销售额同比大增 60%Morgan Stanley: From the cloud to the end device, AI will disrupt smart devices in the next year港股通红利税或正考虑减免?港交所:不予置评投资者热捧,极氪赴美上市 “超额完成”