Total return rate of 591078%! NVIDIA's market value tops the world, AI welcomes the "iPhone moment"?Market Insight | China Merchants Bank rose nearly 4%, leading the gains in domestic banking stocks. Policy support is expected to help improve banks' risk outlook, with valuation increasing supported by fundamentalsBlackRock: Artificial intelligence has no bubble, investment trends will continue to drive market reboundGoldman Sachs tells clients: Shorting the American middle-class consumptionMarket Insight | BILIBILI-W Surges Over 6% as SL Green's New Game "Three Strategies" Exceeds Revenue Expectations, Overseas Market Potential Opening UpThe depreciation of the Japanese Yen helped boost Japan's exports in May, with a growth of 13.5%, marking the largest increase in nearly 19 months国行即将发售!苹果 Vision Pro 国区 App Store 上线:提供腾讯视频、京东等应用AMD 客户信息等机密数据被窃取?官方回应:已着手调查Top hedge funds are eyeing the "AI hot trend"! Rumor has it that Point72 is planning to raise funds for a major investment in AIGoldman Sachs: It has indeed been a long time since the adjustment, but U.S. stocks are not expensiveThe US deficit greatly exceeded expectations, but "long US Treasury bonds" trading is still backThe market consensuses on two interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve this year, prompting traders to heavily bet on a rebound in US bondsIntelligent Hong Kong Stock Connect Proportion Anomaly Statistics | June 19CICC estimates: The equilibrium interest rate for US bonds should be around 4%, corresponding to a rate cut of 100-150 basis pointsCMS: Private equity stock fund positions stabilize, high ROE, high free cash flow leading style expected to dominate in the medium termCITIC Securities: May Retail Sales Growth Rebounds Due to Holidays and E-commerce PromotionsCBO raises US 2024 budget deficit forecast by 27% to nearly $2 trillion市值狂飙,3.34 万亿美元!英伟达一举超越微软、苹果,登顶 “世界股王” !分析师看好上攻 5 万亿美元Federal Reserve officials emphasize the need for more evidence of cooling inflation and remain cautious about the timing of interest rate cutsGuotai Junan's Chief Strategist Fang Yi: Currently, the investment focus is on blue-chip stocks, paying attention to two major investment themesZhiTong ADR Statistics | June 19Top American economists warn: If the Federal Reserve does not cut interest rates, it is "playing with fire" and may push the economy into a recession载入史册!英伟达超越微软成全球最有价值上市公司6 月 18 日美股成交额前 20:英伟达再创新高,成美股市值冠军外盘头条:英伟达成全球市值最高公司 多位美联储官员敦促对降息保持耐心 高盛仍预期美联储今年降息两次周二热门中概股涨跌不一 台积电涨 1.4%,拼多多跌 2.8%Two major American "creditors" diverge again: Japan's holdings of US Treasuries fell for the first time in seven months, while China's bond holdings hit a 15-year low尾盘:标普指数创盘中新高 英伟达成为美股市值第一大公司For the first time in history! NVIDIA's intraday market value surpasses Microsoft, rising to the world's number one spot英伟达盘中涨超 3% 首夺全球最大市值宝座Apple suspends the development of the next generation of high-end VR headsets, focusing on releasing a more affordable Vision Pro next yearBuffett's Berkshire Hathaway has been buying oil stocks every day recently! It has increased its holdings in Occidental Petroleum for nine consecutive trading daysBank of America institutional clients continued to increase their holdings in technology stocks and social media concept stocks last week, while reducing their holdings in financial stocks英伟达延续涨势,分析师乐观估计市值将达 5 万亿美元Senior officials from the Federal Reserve have spoken intensively: The anti-inflation measures have been effective, and interest rate cuts still depend on dataU.S. Stock Market Update | Chip stocks rise, Micron Technology surges over 5.6%NVIDIA executives cash out over $700 million, but can't stop the "most important stock on Earth" from soaring bullishlyWhere does TSMC's "confidence" come from? Citi: AI GPUs will shift to 3nm process on a large scale by the end of next yearWhere does TSMC's "confidence" come from? Citi: AI GPUs will shift to 3nm process on a large scale by the end of next yearFederal Reserve "Three Musketeers" Williams: US economy strong, rate cut needs more data开盘:美股周二开盘基本持平 美国 5 月零售额增幅低于预期NIO sparks a battery swap "land grab" movementUS "horror data" in May sees almost zero growth, supporting the prospect of Fed rate cuts againTop-of-the-line iPhone 16 may break the 20,000 yuan mark! Chip price hikes are the main reasonUnder pressure from the European Union, Apple has made a series of concessions, allowing competitors to use more non-contact technologiesOn May, US retail sales rose by 0.1% month-on-month, falling short of expectations, with the previous value further revised downwardsBank of America Survey: Fund Manager Optimism Hits Two-and-a-Half-Year High, Bullish on "Seven Giants" for 15 Consecutive Months as the Hottest TradesAI Storage: HBM Grasping NVIDIA's Achilles' HeelMeituan-W spent approximately HKD 500 million on June 18 to repurchase 4.3098 million sharesUS retail sales data slightly below expectations