OpenAI calls out NVIDIA, GPU seriously insufficient! Hardware requirements resonate; Alphabet-C brings StyleDrop to explode the AI graphics circle; Microsoft will fully AI-ize Windows by the end of the year | Jianzhi ResearchApple's MR "Breaking News" is getting more and more: on-site trial wearing? Six colors & two capacities? Mass production in October & listing in December?Microsoft Office 365 AI Assistant Pricing Exposed: Annual fee of $100,000, 40% more than the regular version, already has 100 customers.AI 估值过高?罗斯柴尔德家族悄然减仓英伟达台积电回应 CoWos 封装产能扩充传闻:仍在评估中消息称微软总裁将会见英国财政大臣,或考虑关闭动视暴雪在英业务消息称暴雪内部推行人工智能图像工具,可快速生成美术概念图外媒:皮克斯工作室十年来首次大规模裁员,《光年正传》导演与全球宣传副总裁离职谷歌演示文稿应用 Slides 引入 AI 生成图像功能卡塔尔航空下一代长途飞机将取消头等舱,CEO 称商务舱已提供诸多福利美方称美助理国务卿今日开始访华,外媒:寻求加强对华沟通华创证券:美股 ERP 再度触及历史极端低位英国政府拟仿照 IAEA 在伦敦设全球性 AI 监管机构,目标成为世界 AI 中心Siri 将告别 “嘿”:Gurman 称苹果有望在 WWDC23 上宣布不再使用 “嘿,Siri” 唤醒词美国总统拜登签署债务上限法案苹果首款头显可用 Siri 控制,不支持佩戴常规眼镜使用美财政部:高级官员与中国驻美大使会见是 “坦诚、建设性的”Report: AI has increased productivity by nearly 14%, providing the greatest assistance to workplace "newbies".美银证券日本首席经济学家:日本股市仍有动力上涨Next "NVIDIA": Broadcom?特斯拉称每辆新的 Model 3 现都可在美获 7500 美元税收优惠英伟达的进击:黄仁勋的十年一剑与机运的助攻前后脚发布 XR 新品,Meta 和苹果 “同床异梦”迪士尼乐园有望落户武汉?官方:正在洽谈首款无风扇 Macbook 宣告死亡,一次典型的 “苹果式试错”“新美联储通讯社”:5 月非农就业不可能化解美联储内部争论,利率最终可能高于预期Majority of EU countries against network fee levy on Big Tech, sources say华尔街最准分析师建议投资者卖出 AI 概念股 转而买入港股非农利好,7 月加息板上钉钉,为什么美股还在上涨?这是摩根大通的解释AI 过热!一家英伟达长线投资者借暴涨套现亚马逊打算推出超低价手机套餐?尽管巨头否认,电信股还是跌惨了就业报告强化 7 月加息预期,美债跳水,美股高开,中概再赢大盘英伟达馋哭建模师!投喂随意视频,直出 3D 模型22 basis points! Expectations for a Fed rate hike in July are heating up, and the signals for non-farm employment are complex.苹果 WWDC 前瞻:性能不显、售价不香,更大屏幕尺寸的 MacBook Air 能成吗?详拆苹果 MR 头显:会用到哪些新技术和新硬件?Pre-market US stocks | Chinese technology stocks rise across the board, XPENG-W and BEKE-W up 6%! Record-breaking funds flow into technology stocks, Apple plans to open new stores in China and the US.今夜非农来袭 美联储 6 月是否加息一锤定音?奔驰 “不装了”Big moves | B station target price cut sharply! CLOUD MUSIC, Li Auto can still rise 40%?Floating loss of $18 billion! Nvidia has become a nightmare for short sellers.港股爆发!恒生科技收涨 5.26%,美团、小鹏、百度涨超 7%,内房股午后冲高TENCENT "Bulk" Large ModelAmidst the frenzy of technology stocks, cyclical stocks are also worth paying attention to.