贝索斯买进 1 股亚马逊股票引外界揣测,至少为 2002 年来首次购股平价版苹果 MR 头显最新爆料来了!价格或降几百美元 配置大幅缩水交易员对冲美联储利率决议风险 看涨期权交易量创 14 个月新高港股高开低走,恒生科技跌超 0.7%,地产走低,蔚来涨超 5%调整起售价及新车主权益 蔚来全系车型降价 3 万元美联储利率决议重磅来袭! 这一次,美联储将是行动上的鸽派,措辞上的鹰派?阿里达摩院开源 Video-LLaMA,帮大语言模型加上 “眼睛”、“耳朵”早餐 | 港股筑底反弹指标出现拐点,特斯拉成超买最严重股票分析师:苹果将提高 iPhone 15 售价 服务业务是被低估的 “明星业务”台媒:苹果 iPhone 15 即将发布,鸿海年内首次针对离职返岗者扩大招工Goldman Trader: The Longer We Flirt With 4,300, The Less Confident I Am The Rally Will ReverseThe Bull and Bear Debate in US Stocks: Goldman Sachs Goes Long, the Most Pessimistic Analyst Surrenders, and the Most Accurate Analyst Harnett Insists on Being Bearish.Morgan Stanley: China's economic recovery will continue, with growth expected to rise to 6% in the second half of the year.Goldman Sachs: Fed to Pause Rate Hikes in June, Raise by 25 Basis Points in July, Cut Rates Next Year.Vietnam's "power shortage" worsens! Samsung Electronics, FII and other factories are affected.Zuckerberg discusses AI vision: deploying multiple LLM models and launching an AI social assistant.天风固收孙彬彬:怎么看美联储可能跳过 6 月加息?如何预判美联储何时降息?菜鸟上市前夜谷歌新 AI 工具 Imagen Editor,一句话对图片二次创作马斯克:推特将开始向创作者支付回复中的广告费用,第一笔总额 500 万美元韦德布什上调特斯拉目标价至 300 美元,有望飙升 22%中信建投陈果:本轮港股筑底风险已充分释放知名经济学家警告:美股牛市长不了,衰退概率几乎 100%抗美、联俄、稳伊!--媒体报道里的 “沙特大棋”!中信建投陈果:港股迎来年内最佳机会礼来 all in 减肥市场General Motors and Ford Motor are willing to cooperate. Will Tesla dominate North America's charging stations and sweep the United States with electric cars?抖音外卖终止 1000 亿元 GMV 目标,但还不准备放弃三星正开发自有 AI 大语言模型 已投入全部 GPU 资源Stuart Russell:我们还没达到 AGI,ChatGPT 和 GPT-4 没有在 “回答” 问题Tesla delivers 42,508 vehicles in China in May, taking 7.3% share of NEV marketOpenAI 联合创始人 Sam Altman:更多开源没有时间表,不会很快有 GPT-5OpenAI 联合创始人 Sam Altman:十年内可能就有非常强大的 AI 系统,我们要立刻做好准备One of Wall Street's most pessimistic analysts admits defeat: the bear market is officially over!充电板块因通用接入特斯拉充电网络消息集体下跌 分析师:市场或反应过度Goldman Sachs ups year-end S&P 500 price target to 4,500If everyone is bearish on the market, why is the P/E ratio of the S&P 500 still at 20 times?The Swiss government helped clear the way, and as early as next Monday, UBS will complete its historic acquisition of Credit Suisse.Crackdown on shared accounts has an immediate effect, Netflix's new subscriptions soar.Tesla continues to rise, up for 11 consecutive days! What happened?苏姿丰欲战英伟达 “AI 王座”,执掌九年 AMD 如何咸鱼翻身?2023 Beijing Intelligence Conference: An AI brainpower feast not to be missed, these big shots are all here!科技股再挺美股走高,纳指势将七周连涨,特斯拉十一连阳,AI 股大涨NIO-SW Call: Breakeven time will be postponed by about a year, and price adjustments will not be made by reducing configurations.