Global stock markets retreat, luxury goods lead the decline in European stocks, the US dollar edges lower, while the bond market remains resilient.Opportunities in Hong Kong stocks in the second half of the year: Internet or "China Special Estimate"?全国政协召开 2023 年上半年宏观经济形势分析座谈会腾讯大股东 Prosus:预计今年年底对腾讯的持股比例降至 24%-25% 左右The most promising AI chip stocks: NVIDIA and Broadcom!US stocks rise on earnings season, but this summer may be different.Pre-market US stocks | Tesla's first CyberTruck rolls off the production line, Meta's Threads user engagement declines, TSMC rumored to lower full-year revenue forecast.Big Moves | Tesla's Target Price Gets a Significant Boost! TENCENT Faces Slight "Discount"一个月内第三次,发改委召开座谈会听取民营企业意见港股何时才能无惧台风?港交所:有关评估仍处于早期阶段5.5%!下半年增长和政策如何角力?Earnings Preview | Netflix's New Initiatives to Boost Performance, User Growth Expected to AccelerateServer power consumption soars threefold! Is AI's final battle about not just computing power, but also electricity?哪吒汽车 CEO 张勇:网易云音乐、QQ 音乐、抖音等将于 8 月-12 月陆续上车木头姐:英伟达很棒,但 Twilio 才是 AI 的未来赢家Worried about missing the AI boom? Deutsche Bank's heavyweight report: It's just the beginningEarnings Preview | Tesla's Q2 Gross Margin Expected to Bottom Out, Watch for Growth in Non-Automotive BusinessThe Game between the Federal Reserve and the Market: Will There Be Another Rate Hike after July?Stock price expected to continue outperforming Netflix! Spotify receives bullish outlook from institutions, raised to $205.Will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates by 25 basis points in July, and will it be the last time in this round?Key Decisions of the Federal Reserve: When to Cut Interest Rates? When Will "Quantitative Tightening" End?Tesla Cybertruck is two years late, and Tesla still has six unfulfilled promises.英伟达 5000 万美元入局,被嫌弃的 AI 制药为何风再起?US Stock Options | Trading volume of options for Nvidia and AMD triples, while options trading for JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup surges threefold.香港天文台:下午四时二十分改发三号强风信号“囤猴翻车” 的昭衍新药跌停了Be cautious: Why is there pressure on the US stock market in the third quarter? Losing liquidity is the "catalyst"!Nio to hold Nio Power Day 2023 on Jul 20Analyst: Profit engine is just starting to accelerate! Is the "good times" coming for US stocks?June China's game developers' overseas revenue ranking is out! TENCENT ranks second on the list.国家统计局:未来房地产投资还会处于一个低位运行CICC: Hong Kong stocks can now be relatively more positive!The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA): "Easy MPF" platform software development is roughly completed and will be fully operational around 2025.中国上半年国民经济运行数据速览消息称苹果 iPhone15 相关模型机供应链被要求提前备货Standard Chartered's Leung Chun Fai: Hong Kong stocks have room to catch up and are expected to challenge the 20,000-point mark in the short term.Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs: US stocks surge, "forcing out" short sellers, hedge funds are unwinding their bearish positions.新加坡股市 14 日报:扬子江船业遭大规模抛售,成交量狂飙HSBC Research lowers Tencent's target price to 425 yuan, maintains a "buy" rating.港交所全日停市BUZZ-Week Ahead-China stimulus in focus as Fed goes silentWeekend, discussions on "reserve requirement ratio cut and interest rate cut" in the mainland flooded the screen.