网易、拼多多为什么能成为今年涨最多的中概股?杰富瑞:维持京东集团买入评级 目标价 312 港元* 瑞银下调阿里目标价至 120 美元 评级「买入」恒指低开 1.39%,恒生科技指数跌 1.63%Surpassing GPT-4 is difficult? Google's "most powerful model" release postponed to the first quarter of next year.美股科技股,明年继续涨?Jack Ma's family wealth fund invests in Tabby, an online consumer credit platform in the Middle East.通用汽车旗下 Cruise 取消员工持股套现计划ChargePoint 盘后跌超 30%! Q3 初步营收不及预期 ChargePoint 的股价在盘后交易中下跌超过 30%!第三季度初步营收未达预期。Bouncing with unsteady steps! US stocks hit a key resistance level, making it difficult to continue the upward trend?阿里巴巴排兵布阵 “新战略大图”Meta 推出基于人工智能的视频编辑工具Apple's "Chip Swap" plan for 2025 may fall short as the company has invested billions of dollars but still lags far behind its competitors.Alibaba conference call: Strategic considerations do not involve the separation of Alibaba Cloud. Instead, an AI-driven approach and a priority strategy for public cloud will be adopted. The first batch of strategic innovative businesses has been announced.Alibaba's spin-off listing faces obstacles.Ma Yun's family trust holding company announces plans to reduce its stake in Alibaba by 10 million ADS shares.阿里巴巴:坚决加大对阿里云战略投入,不再推进完全分拆Alibaba quarterly revenue in line with expectations小米造车版图有多大?多家公司回应合作关系,券商看好车机生态协同CLOUD MUSIC's Q3 revenue growth of 11.6% met expectations, with a steady performance in the gaming business. Although CLOUD MUSIC's revenue declined, gross profit improved. | Earnings Report马云减持阿里巴巴?热解读:中美元首会晤需要关注的 5 个信号支付宝回应会员服务 “崩了”:情况很快已修复Learning Management with OpenAI: How was the strongest product of 2023 created?理想汽车:理想 MEGA Max 预计售价 60 万元以内Morgan Stanley reduces holdings in Microsoft and NVIDIA, while increasing holdings in Meta and Eli Lilly in Q3.马斯克:期待中美携手促进地区繁荣瑞银:明年恒指目标升至 20600 点 看好基建及澳门博彩股美股年底反弹预期升温 美银推荐这两只油气股香港股市明年有望迎来资金回流,并带来中双位数回报 -- 瑞银高盛:“壮丽七姊妹” 2023 年撑起美股,2024 年有望继续领跑* 中金下调京东目标价至 40 美元 第四季收入利润仍有压力习近平:中美关系的大门一旦打开,就不会再被关上大摩经济学家:美元将在 2024 年初保持强势 美联储将于明年年中开始降息一个月以下港元拆息全线下跌 隔夜息连跌四天报 4.32%中美将优化签证申请流程习近平:首先要回答的是,中美到底是对手,还是伙伴王毅:这次会晤形成了面向未来的 “旧金山愿景”美国 IPO 市场持续疲软,华尔街 “一切都看 2024 年了”习拜会谈了什么?重点总结来了!大摩展望 2024 年:投资机会遍布全球 投资者仍需精挑细选杰富瑞上调腾讯目标价至 478 港元 评级买入