香港提倡再降股票印花税与楼市征税 “撤辣”Wall Street's big banks' earnings reports are coming tonight! Expectations of interest rate cuts have boosted the sector by 23%. Can their performance hold up?海关:2023 年我国出口同比增 0.6%,“新三样” 出口首次突破万亿大关Hong Kong Stock Market News | CHINA LIT surges over 7%. The company is one of the producers of the movie "Hot and Spicy". The value of its intellectual property is expected to be released at an accelerated pace.港股异动 | BC 科技集团跌超 9% 开年以来已回撤 34% 比特币现货 ETF 日前在美获批理解市场 | “蔚小理” 为何齐跌?* 花旗料科技股今年跑赢 荐舜宇、比亚迪电子、ASMPT、金蝶及中移动* 美银证券降阿里目标价至 103 美元 下调收入及盈测Hong Kong Stock Market News | WUXI BIO opens nearly 4% higher, raises this year's project guidance, and reaches an agreement with BioNTech SE.On the first day of trading, WELLCELL HOLD made its debut on the stock market, opening at a 77% increase in the morning session.先锋集团:不许客户购买比特币 ETF“木头姐”:比特币 2030 年有望达到 150 万美元理解市场 | 空头占领中资股!但为什么没有必要悲观?Breakfast | Red Sea crisis escalates with joint airstrikes by the UK and US, Bitcoin spot ETF trading volume reaches $4.6 billion.Guo Mingchi: Apple VisionPro headset "first sales" 60,000-80,000 units, will quickly sell out after launch.“木头姐” 大胆预测 比特币最高或达到 150 万美元Microsoft temporarily takes Apple's "throne" Experts believe that the former has greater profit potentialUnable to bear high costs, rental car giant Hertz Global Holdings, Inc. plans to sell 20,000 electric vehicles and switch back to gasoline cars.Alphabet-C terminates cloud conversion fees, putting pressure on Amazon and MicrosoftHonour is going to challenge Apple's dominance.道指开盘涨 0.2%,标普 500 涨 0.2%,纳指涨 0.3%No hope for short-term resumption? A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S CEO: Interruption of the Red Sea route may last for several months.报道:“对冲基金新王” Citadel 要收购瑞信在华业务Citigroup is facing losses in the fourth quarter due to the severe depreciation of the peso and the significant costs of restructuring.Pre-market trading in US stocks: Cryptocurrency stocks and Chinese concept stocks all rise! US December CPI to be released tonight.Rating Quick Look | Tencent, Pinduoduo "Preferred" and "Recommended"! Alibaba's target price has been lowered again.BYD doesn't want to leave the iron throne.Will tonight's CPI data rebound and contradict the expectations of an interest rate cut?美国直接介入干扰荷兰对华出口光刻机,商务部回应WELLCELL HOLD surges 50% in the dark market!印度股市的隐患:科技板块已经连跌三周丹斯克银行:美国 CPI 不会改变 “游戏规则”,将与预期一致因电动汽车需求放缓,投行预计特斯拉今年销量增速难超 20%US Stock Options | BABA-SWR doubles in trading volume, investors rush to buy these three put contracts! Tesla and Apple calls are hot港股区块链概念盘中走强 雄岸科技涨超 40%All in AI 后,谷歌继续裁员!央行上海总部:2024 年保持货币信贷和社会融资规模稳定增长 推动上海房地产市场平稳健康发展央行上海总部:精准有力实施稳健的货币政策