英伟达获 5 亿美元天价大单!印数据中心一口气买下 16000 块 H100/GH200Morgan Stanley: The market's "red sea panic" has been excessive, and freight rates have been overadjusted.Pre-market in US stocks | JD, BABA-SWR rise, PDD, Tesla fall! Will NVIDIA hit another new high tonight?Rating Quick Look | NVIDIA, Meta Platforms, Amazon, Apple! Target prices have all been significantly raised!招商银行原党委书记、行长田惠宇一审被判处死缓香港证监会:投资者应在 3 月 1 日前查核虚拟资产交易平台监管状态US Stock Options | Crazy! Tesla, Meta Platforms, NVIDIA, Apple all traded surged to over 2 million contracts!中金:维持腾讯控股 “跑赢行业” 评级 目标价 475 港元外媒爆料:马斯克与特斯拉董事吸毒,部分人因 “不想失去社交资本”Hong Kong Stock Market Update: OSL Group falls more than 4% as the company's name change takes effect. Hong Kong's first Bitcoin spot ETF is expected to be listed after the Spring Festival.Understanding the Market | Are US stock prices outrageously high? How much further will they fall?Her ruling could cost Tesla over $10 billion港股药明系多股反弹全球 TOP10 药物大变!K 药最"短命",罗氏砍 8 大项目,AZ 、辉瑞停 GLP-1,默沙东研发费用 300 亿……Major customer Emirates: Don't focus too much on financial performance, Boeing needs to focus on "how to build good airplanes" now.每日数字货币动态汇总BABA-SWR will announce its earnings before the market opens on Wednesday, February 7th!Weekly Tech Stock Review: Meta Platforms Leads with a 20% Surge! Hong Kong Stock Giants Experience Across-the-Board DeclineHong Kong Stock Market News | SOUTH MANGANESE resumes trading and plummets by 50%. Shareholders' attributable profit in the first half of last year decreased by over 60% YoY.2 月港股,市场有何期待?Hong Kong Stock Market News | ZX INC falls more than 20% again, with a cumulative drop of 81% in the past two trading days, erasing most of its gains since listing.Hong Kong Stock Market News | WUXI APPTEC rebounds over 4%, leading the rise of CRO concept stocks. Institutions believe that the probability of US legislation is low and it does not change the long-term fundamental logic of the industry.Earnings Report Preview | Introducing a New Revenue-Boosting Plan After Price Increases, Can McDonald's Not "Win"?This week's earnings reports continue to be hot! McDonald's, Eli Lilly, and 104 other constituent companies are releasing their financial reports.Hong Kong Stock Market News | HORIZON CD Soars Over 15%: Institutions Believe Recent Sell-off is Unjustified, Recommends Buying at Current Low LevelsThe People's Bank of China: Today, it lowered the reserve requirement ratio for financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points, releasing long-term funds of approximately 1 trillion yuan.Hong Kong Stock Market News | New Oriental EDU & Tech surges over 6% in early trading, recently becoming the focus of attention again. Institutions claim to have raised their views on mainland education stocks.美联储主席鲍威尔称将谨慎降息,他的采访全文来了Hong Kong Stock Market News | COUNTRY GARDEN opens nearly 5% higher, with over 30 projects entering the real estate "white list".New York Community Bank Plunges, Will Medium-Sized Banks in the US Be Affected?这么多欧洲人愿自掏腰包买 “减肥神药” 诺和诺德都惊讶了Tech frenzy in the US stock market, while oil giants "splurge", cannot hide their embarrassmentBreakfast | Fed Chairman reiterates unlikely to cut interest rates in March, BABA-SWR rumored to consider selling some consumer industry assetsHong Kong Stock Exchange Announcement: Acquisition of all shares of Zcool.com to enhance MiracleVision's competitive advantage in visual modeling.US Stocks Expected to Deliver Strong Q4 Earnings, but is the Bull Market Safe?王者归来,​华为手机重夺销量第一!大中华区销量大幅下滑,苹果急了?公募基金 “权力榜” 揭晓:蚂蚁难,追赶蚂蚁更难The rise in the US stock market has become more concentrated, but the leaders have changed: Berkshire Hathaway, Eli Lilly, and AMD have replaced Tesla, Apple, and Alphabet-C.Monthly market value soars nearly $300 billion! NVIDIA is "red hot"Meta Platforms sets a new template for high valuations in tech stocks! Wall Street: Want AI, want profits, and starting to seek dividends!美国 “软着陆” 到 “不着陆”?这对市场意味着什么?“躺平” 的苹果,凭什么享受 30 倍 PE?【会议纪要】渣打王昕杰:2024 年美联储将走向何方?