Rating Quick Look | Tencent, NetEase are optimistic! XPeng, Bilibili, Beike's target prices have been raised!卫龙美味陷缺斤少两舆论漩涡 辣条产销双降、经销商纷纷出逃 市值已较最高点 “腰斩”港市速睇 | 三大指数午后回调,互联网医疗股、航运港口股走强,阿里健康涨超 10%,东方海外国际涨超 4%高善文今天发声,谈地产会触底反弹吗?国债利率会加速下行吗?Wall Street is about to launch the Chinese version of "Mag 7" - "Lucky 8"Only the top ten holdings are profitable with Tesla! "Wood Sister" ARKK underperformed the Nasdaq 100 by 27% this year英伟达拆股在即,如何影响股价?招行、中铁接连掉单,普华永道深陷冲击Zotye Auto: The company has no cooperation with Faraday Future美联储高官再度发声:应继续缩表,政策声明需要更多细节The fifth company, Xuanzhu Biotech, failed to take off, while Sihuan Pharmaceutical continues to "forge ahead under pressure"起底南向资金近期加仓方向,高股息资产备受青睐,聚焦恒生红利 ETF刘强东不需要 “松弛感”苹果豪赌!神秘 AI 项目曝光,宁死不用英伟达?自研芯片全家桶都要 AI 了百度沈抖谈大模型 “价格战”:主力模型免费,是为了最大限度降低企业试错成本小摩:维持网易-S“增持” 评级 目标价 200 港元趣致集团昨日挂牌上市 今日再涨超 20%Will AI lead these traditional sectors to the next industrial revolution?快讯:港股三大指数齐涨 互联网医疗、煤炭、石油股集体走强After-hours trading | NVIDIA broke through $1100, once surged 4.6%7 年后翻开新一页!美股今起进入 “T+1” 时代,加快结算成大势所趋Market Insight | Real estate stocks generally open higher, Shimao Group rises by over 8%, Shanghai's new real estate policies exceed expectationsNew Stock First Day | EDA Group Holdings debuts on the market with a 35.53% opening surge in early tradingRedmi K80 Pro 配置曝光:搭载高通骁龙 8 Gen 4After seeing the leaked "Top 10 AI Features", is Apple going to disappoint the market this time?小米应用商店公告:应用内需在显著位置展示 APP 备案编号 6 月 27 日实施英伟达股价狂飙!黄仁勋有望超越马斯克成全球首富爆料称英伟达首款 AI PC 处理器将基于英特尔 3nm 工艺,RTX 50 同款 GPU 架构苹果设计师:未来 iPad 将改变苹果 Logo 方向国产大模型登陆国产系统!百度文心一言上架统信应用商店小米 MIX 2 五年用户换上小米 14!王腾:又拿下一个钉子户网传苹果已与 OpenAI 达成协议:iOS 18 集成 ChatGPT专业级认可!苹果 Vision Pro 获设计界 “奥斯卡” 奖自动生成表情包 苹果 iOS 18 系统主打人工智能AMD 将发 RX 7650M XT 移动显卡 天钡新移动显卡坞首发AMD Zen 5 移动处理器预计 8 月发 迷你主机 10 月用上美国最火的教育 APP,来自作业帮和字节港交所再迎利好!高盛上调目标价至 345 港元 确认 “买入” 评级美股,重回科技还是继续周期?阿里巴巴-SW 季报点评:收入实现增长 推进香港主要上市港股缩量反弹 机构称中美重磅数据发布前资金或观望Breakfast | US stocks usher in a historic moment, Goldman Sachs says hedge funds selling US stocks on the largest scale since JanuaryThe State Bank of Vietnam has suspended the recently restarted gold auctions and may introduce new policies on June 3 to stabilize the gold price外盘头条:欧洲央行官员谈连续降息 亚马逊拟投资数十亿欧元于云计划 欧央行首席经济学家称加息影响尚未全现投入或达万亿美元 AI 基础设施全球竞争加剧Haidilao's Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Yong secured their fourth IPO英伟达 18 个月内恐暴跌 20%!华尔街分析师拉响警报The higher the U.S. stocks rise, the more bullish Wall Street becomesNVIDIA included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, what impact will it have on the Dow Jones?