40 年来反垄断第一大案!谷歌是否会被肢解?下月揭晓26-month secret to earning 20 times: "CANSLIM" stock selection investment rulesPre-market US stocks | Upstart, WeWork down 18%! Former CFO of Tesla sells $6 million in stocks, Amazon plans to participate in Arm IPO.Analysis Report | Ideal and Lai's target price significantly raised! Is there still a 50% upside for MEITUAN-W?Microsoft, Alphabet-C, Amazon! Why has the most pessimistic moment for the software sector in the US stock market already passed?美的集团:正在对境外发行证券并上市事项进行前期论证Hang Seng Index closed higher, with a rebound in biopharmaceuticals and a decline in new energy vehicles, as Ideal Motors dropped more than 5%.被散户逼空,对冲基金传奇 Dan Loeb 也 “投降” 了前瞻 | 腾讯广告业务关键词:“视频号”“增长”!但未来还看 AIThe US stock market may decline. How to use options to protect investment returns?通缩的 “悖论” 与 “强劲” 的需求After a 80% increase in three months, Wall Street has higher expectations for Rivian Automotive.Preview | Alibaba CMR is expected to resume positive growth! Can the cloud business, which is under short-term pressure, remain optimistic?US Stock Options | Surge in Trading Volume of IBM Call Options, Threefold Increase in Lyft Options Trading VolumeOvernight Surge of 850 billion! Lilly vs. Novo Nordisk, the Battle of Weight Loss Drugs Begins淡水河谷 CEO:离开了中国,“半球化” 都实现不了SEC 主席警告:AI 将处于下一场金融危机的中心高瓴又把一家日化公司送上市了US Auto Workers Union Demands Pay Raise, Will Increase Manufacturer's Costs by Over $80 Billion洪灏:虽然炒股的朋友现在非常煎熬,但是没有必要太多担心港股三大指数跌幅收窄,生物制药领涨,新能源汽车走低,理想汽车跌近 7%汇丰研究降碧桂园及碧桂园服务评级至持有 削目标价Understanding Research Report | "Market Underestimates JD-SWR"Over 100 million active users on XiaohongshuIn a conversation with Yan Xiang, Chief Economist of Huafu Securities, he mentioned that the term "balance sheet recession" is not applicable to China.Li Auto, which is still profitable compared to Tesla, why is its stock price still falling after the performance report?Zoom 要求员工返回办公室上班OpenAI 新产品 GPTBot:可爬取网络数据,为 GPT-5 做准备NVIDIA's Ambition: "AI Native" Completely Disrupts Data Centers国家统计局如何解释 “中国 7 月 CPI 跌至负值,PPI 跌幅见底”?LI AUTO-W opens nearly 9% lower, third-quarter delivery guidance falls short of expectations.Huang Renxun: Gambling on AI started five years ago, and everything is just beginning.特斯拉劲敌 Rivian 上调全年业绩指引,二季度业绩超预期丨财报见闻According to reports, the conference on optimizing real estate policy regulation in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen is scheduled to be held this month.Crossing the threshold of monthly sales of 30,000 vehicles, the challenge for LI AUTO-W has just begun | Insight Research全球产业链正在发生哪些变化?老黄深夜炸场,AIGC 进入 iPhone 时刻!Hugging Face 接入最强超算,神秘显卡胜过 A100一线楼市调控优化为何迟迟未至Q2 LI AUTO-W revenue doubled YoY, Q3 delivery expectations have reached production capacity limits.Preparing for the potential sluggish holiday shopping season, Amazon will once again hold a major promotional event in October."Black Swan" Reappears? Moody's Downgrades Ratings of 10 US Banks, More Prominent Banks Placed on Downgrade WatchlistShared office giant WeWork: "Serious doubts" about the company's ability to continue operating, plunges 30% after hours | Earnings Report美股回落,欧洲银行股大跌,离岸人民币一度跌近 500 点,长债收益率再度跳水BYD is going to compete in the LI AUTO-W market.美股全线跌超 1%,离岸人民币跌近 500 点,中概指数跌约 4%KEY MONTH for COUNTRY GARDENIdeal Phone Conference: Monthly deliveries of 40,000 vehicles can be achieved in the fourth quarter, making it the top luxury car brand in terms of sales next year.