Can Netflix and Disney continue to rebound?This week, NVIDIA's earnings report is coming in strong, followed closely by the financial reports of retailers such as Lowe's.盒马暂缓上市猜想SpaceX 的星舰又炸了,马斯克却说成功了?AI 时代,没有人能摆脱英伟达!60/40 股债策略过时了?大摩:AI 将改变投资核心逻辑!Jumped 200 points! Offshore RMB breaks through the 7.2 levelIs Altman returning to OpenAI? The biggest winners and losers are: Microsoft!华尔街大空头做空特斯拉亏惨了!Dunhe: The US dollar is putting downward pressure, A-shares and Hong Kong stocks are expected to rebound from the bottom.Swiss Prosperity Zhen Junjie: Overall fundamentals are improving, and the attractiveness of Hong Kong stocks is gradually returning.美股涨个不停,“灾难对冲” VIX 期权买气随之兴旺* 野村下调阿里目标价至 134 美元 评级「买入」Be cautious! Warren Buffett has sold approximately $23.6 billion worth of stocks this year. Is the future of the US stock market worrisome?Coinbase: Approval of Bitcoin Spot ETF Will Increase Cryptocurrency Market Cap by Billions of Dollars新加坡股市 17 日报:恒生科技指数权证遭大规模抛售"No interest rate cut!" China's 1-year and 5-year LPR rates remain unchanged in November.Hong Kong Stock Market News | LI AUTO-W rises more than 3%, company included in Hang Seng Index, IDEAL MEGA pre-orders exceed 10,000.离岸人民币兑美元触及 7.20 关口,创 8 月份来新高PSL 重启?The S&P 500 index has risen nearly 10% in just three weeks, but the market is in a panic?美联储 12 月维持利率不变的概率为 100%Small-cap stocks and junk bonds are soaring, is the market "all in" on a soft landing in the United States?国谈 DAY2:AZ、齐鲁 20 分钟谈完,华领、拜耳 “鏖战” 2 小时,华东的 GLP-1 谈成了吗?肿瘤药明天将开启大战Altman 被罢免原因来了?OpenAI 内乱解读Volvo's European stocks plummeted by 11%, hitting a historic low, after previously experiencing a discounted sale of shares by Geely Auto.Hedge fund Qube's massive short position on HSBC? Company responds: Reporting error, no net short position on HSBC!Priority AI Battle! Amazon Alexa Department Shrinks, Hundreds of Layoffs ExpectedUnderstanding the HBM Industry Chain in One ArticleAlibaba's Variation特斯拉下周将继续上调中国市场售价ChatGPT 被曝测试新功能:学习所有历史聊天,还能重置记忆、“阅后即焚”Microsoft: How to balance between competitive advantage and valuation?Should we continue to buy Japanese stocks? Berkshire Hathaway has issued yen bonds for the second time this year, with a total value of 122 billion yen.* 大摩削阿里目标价至 110 美元 剔出首选股短剧出海,原来欧美也愿意为 “土味” 买单?QUOTES-Reaction to Alibaba's scrapping of cloud unit spin-off美银证券削阿里巴巴港股目标价 17% 至 110 港元 重申买入中美双方同意,两国商务部将于明年一季度举行商贸工作组对话首次会议野村下调腾讯目标价 6% 认为 VA 可能是未来收入驱动力Breaking the traditional distribution model! Hyundai Motor wants to "sell cars online" on Amazon.