NVIDIA launches GeForce RTX 40 Super series graphics cards, delivering AI-powered excitement for PC gamers and developers《新股消息》美中嘉和公开发售获 1.99 倍认购 发售价 14.28 元Reaching an agreement with Houthi armed forces? A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S denies it, shipping stocks narrow their declineNvidia expands its reach in China's EV sector地缘 + 地震,供应链压力卷土重来?Largest-scale sell-off in four months! Hedge funds aggressively dumping US tech stocks比特币 ETF 审批在即:“木头姐” 再抛 2060 万美元的 Coinbase 股票劳斯莱斯去年卖了 6032 辆,创 119 年来新高Pre-market US stocks | XPENG, JD lead the decline of Chinese concept stocks! Harpoon soars 140%Rating Quick Look | TENCENT, BYD "Outperforming the Market"! XIAOMI-W Target Price Downgraded!理解市场 | 美股今年能突破 2022 年的历史高位吗?B2C2 任命 Thomas Restout 为集团首席执行官2024 年如何挑选 ETF 关注这四大趋势投资锦囊 | 如何做到五年回报率超标普两倍?Bank of East Asia: Hong Kong stocks may trade sideways for a while, with a target range of 19,800 to 20,000 points for the Hang Seng Index in the first half of the year.Advertising revenue plummets, US broadcasting giant Audacy applies for bankruptcy protection to reduce 80% of its debtHong Kong Stock Market News | GOGOX drops more than 9%, Alibaba reduces holdings three times in a month, with a loss of over 4.6 billion yuan in the past five and a half years.亚太股市涨势有望延续 哪些市场将表现出色?投行观点:去年 iPhone 在华销量料下滑 3%,华为份额增长惟出货量逊预期 -- 富瑞US Stock Options | NVIDIA, AMD trading surges! Alibaba, NIO calls remain hotMorgan Stanley: These three major themes will have a profound impact on the market麦格理:恢复覆盖腾讯 重申 “跑赢大市” 评级 目标价 455 港元比特币现货 ETF 本周将迎最终时刻,SEC 会为其亮起绿灯吗小米汽车答网友 100 问:手机依然是小米最核心的业务大摩:建议投资者寻找智能驾驶等主题性投资机会 偏好理想汽车-W 等Earnings Report Preview | "Difficult on both ends" of income and expenses, Citigroup Q4 profits may decline2024 年全球市场最重要主题之一:降息苹果 iOS18 或将引入大模型Hong Kong Stock Market Update | SMIC falls over 4%, leading the decline in chip stocks. Netherlands revokes some lithography machine export licenses. Institutions say the event is as expected.Hong Kong Stock Market News | Apple Concept Stocks Continue to Decline, FIH Drops Over 6% Due to Concerns Over Insufficient Apple Demand.Renowned tech blogger: Apple plans to release a generative AI tool in June.5% 利率 + 各种福利!香港银行争夺存款Analysis Report | Apple evaporated $177 billion at the beginning of the year! Will it be better this year?Hong Kong Stock Market News | Tech stocks across the board plummet, Hengkong Index falls nearly 3%, strong non-farm data suppresses interest rate cut expectations.美国证券交易委员会能否为比特币 ETF 开绿灯 本周关键投票后见分晓港股异动 | BC 科技集团再跌超 10% 上海税务指个人通过网络买卖虚拟货币需要缴纳个人所得税Analysis Report | Is the "historic moment" of defeating the seven giants of the US stock market and the Nasdaq here?投资锦囊 | 如何下注反转行情?Analysis Report | Is even Netflix, known for "content is king," struggling?Apple's VR headset, Vision Pro, has been shipped to the distribution warehouse in the United States and the release date may be announced this week.Tesla's response to "drug use": No issues in three years of testing, The Wall Street Journal is not worthy of being used as toilet paper.Earnings season teams up with CPI! Can the US stock market recover its upward momentum this week?LINEKONG 计划以 126 万美元认购 EcoPowX 30.3% 的股权。Understanding the Market | The 12 Major Events that will Shape the Market in 2024, all in this TimelineBreakfast | Apple may release generative AI tools in June, NVIDIA will resume shipping "special edition" AI chips in ChinaUnderstanding the Market | Who Will Save the US Stock Market from a "Black Start" in the New Year?英伟达中国特供芯片遇冷:阿里、腾讯看不上降级版