美股三大指数开盘涨跌不一Betting Big on AI! Blackstone, the "Real Estate Tycoon," and its $25 billion "Data Center" Empire逆势大幅上涨,部分中小券商业绩同比大幅回升Ma Huateng: Fully developing video streaming, live commerce, and having confidence is currently the most lacking aspect in the overall environment.十多年投研老将,辞任券商系资管机构总经理马化腾:腾讯人工智能技术不算最领先,至少没有太落后腾讯马化腾:视频号不负众望,全力发展视频号直播电商腾讯马化腾:游戏出海其实是腾讯公司目前国际化的最大希望“美联储看跌期权” 回归?Character | From 50,000 to 6.8 million in two years! How to seize the opportunity with strong stocks?Pre-market US stocks: Intel and AMD lead the technology sector! BABA-SWR rises, PDD falls.Hot discussion on WSB | KINGSOFT CLOUD cumulative plummeted 96%, heat continues to riseRating Quick Look | Meituan, XPeng-W target prices significantly lowered! Kuaishou-W, Alphabet-C receive positive outlook欧盟反垄断「撬开」苹果,结果坑苦了开发者理解市场 | 今年美股,涨还是跌?US Stock Options | Tesla's trading volume sharply declines, market shifts from call to put! Intel's stock price plummets, trading volume surges!Cracks appear in Apple's "walled garden"国务院国资委将全面实施 “一企一策” 考核Morgan Stanley: Oversupply of lithium mines will intensify, 80,000 yuan will be an important threshold.关于一轮牛市确立的基本条件国内首个口服司美格鲁肽片获批对市场意味着什么?10 天狂赚 13 亿的「幻兽帕鲁」凭什么?Understanding the Market | Has the Hong Kong Stock Market Reached a Turning Point?嘉实国际申请香港首只比特币现货 ETF1 月份汽车销售为什么这么低迷?12 月工业企业利润点评:工业库存小幅回升 服务业 “补库” 率先启动Earnings Report Preview | "New Stock King" Microsoft's performance is about to be released! The revenue-generating effect of AI is highly anticipated by all.交银国际:维持小鹏汽车-W“沽出” 评级 目标价削 30.5% 至 27.3 港元港股回购创新高HTSC: Policy boosts market confidence and provides valuation recovery space for the real estate sector.* 大摩相信华住股价 60 日内将升香港差估署:去年 12 月楼价指数环比跌 1.4% 2023 年全年累跌 6.8%* 美银证券升 Alphabet 目标价至 175 美元 上季收入为亮点* 大摩降美团目标价至 85 元 维持谨慎看法EXPLAINER-What happens next after China Evergrande ordered to liquidate?每日数字货币动态汇总* 里昂:联想集团涉美国政府业务极微 股价下跌提供买入机会Super Week for US Stocks! What to Focus on?2023 Big Winner "Sister Wood": Fed Rate Cut Boosts Tech StocksReplacing the yen as the new "financing currency"? Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase both bearish on the euro* 花旗:药明康德或技术性反弹 惟问题解决前长期投资信心可能会被削弱药明系港股集体回暖 药明生物涨超 3%Hong Kong Stock Market News | EVERGRANDE's stock fell more than 18% at one point, and the liquidation hearing will be held today.The heavyweight Federal Reserve interest rate decision is coming! Maintaining the status quo is the consensus, and the market is closely watching for any guidance on interest rate cuts.