苹果新一代 iPad mini 有望 10 月份推出 预计升级 A17 Pro 芯片边框窄至 1.15mm!iPhone 16 系列外观揭晓:苹果工业设计激进A few stocks driving the rise in US stocks Analyst: This is not a bad thing周三热门中概股涨跌不一 台积电涨 6.9%,极氪跌 7.1%NVIDIA's total market value exceeds $3 trillion, surpassing Apple to become the second largest listed company in the United States尾盘:纳指与标普创盘中新高 英伟达突破 1200 美元ASML's stock price surged more than 8%, surpassing LVMH in market value to become the second largest listed company in EuropeBuffett's energy investment journey: partnering with Occidental Petroleum, a major holding, to establish a company and increase investment in lithiumNvidia raises prices? Taiwan Semiconductor's US stocks hit a record highVanke paid off this year's USD bonds in one goIn May, ADP added 152,000 new jobs in the United States, the lowest level in three months, with April data significantly revised downwards开盘:美股周三高开 5 月 ADP 就业数据低于预期多数经济学家坚定美联储 9 月降息预期!但通胀回归 2% 有点难“小非农” 创年初以来新低!市场为何无动于衷?CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. Yang Fan: It is expected that future policies will continue to focus on new drivers of growth各大 AI 模型训练成本大比拼:谷歌 Gemini Ultra 高达 1.9 亿美元美元已被完全高估?事情可能没那么简单The most amazing angel investment in historyPre-market trading in US stocks | FFIE leads the plunge of meme stocks! Technology stocks and cryptocurrency concept stocks riseAI demand strong, Hon Hai May revenue hits historical high for the same period支付中介费可进腾讯实习?腾讯回应:骗局,实习证明上盖的章都是伪造的Rating Quick Look | NVIDIA's target price has been raised! Tencent, CLOUD MUSIC are optimisticUS Stock Options | GME, AMC, NVIDIA, Tesla trading volume plunges!美劳动力市场已 “横扫” 一大关键障碍!周五非农会否带来惊喜?From GPU to ASIC, Broadcom and Marvell emerge as winners | AI DehydrationToday's Important News Review | Dolphin Research国泰君安:维持腾讯控股 “增持” 评级 目标价 459 港元TSMC foundry! Intel's new AI PC chip Lunar Lake released: AI computing power 120TOPS!Wang Xing rushes into the new battlefield媒体:暴雪国服 “战网” 今日上线,玩家称交易记录被保留Report: NIO's third domestic factory has been approved, with a total production capacity of 1 million vehicles小摩 “大空头” 警告:迷因股复苏对美股来说是个坏消息!政策 “组合拳” 效果显效发力,港股科技 ETF 三连阳领涨“去美元化” 遇挫:多国央行计划增加美元储备!OpenAI 跌倒,谷歌吃饱?ChatGPT 宕机 5 小时,谷歌聊天机器人搜索激增苹果正在进行 Apple TV+ 入华谈判生数科技宣布完成数亿元 Pre-A 轮融资,百度领投AI server demand strong, Huiyi Technology surges 15% after hours美联储过于关注通胀,市场已嗅出危机!快讯:港股三大指数集体上涨 半导体、苹果概念股涨势强劲Suspected market manipulation? Retail investor "带头大哥" under investigation by US regulatory agenciesTrack Hyper | vivo S19 Pro: A versatile portrait selfie tool with multiple focal lengthsAH stocks rise, Hang Seng Index up more than 1%, semiconductor sector strengthens, while non-ferrous metals continue to declineWith personal investment from Alibaba's CEO, Youjia Innovation shifts to Hong Kong stock IPO | Jianzhi Research消息称可折叠屏 iPhone 不会在 2027 年之前推出 苹果仍在评估零部件规格和性能Tech giants seek to "de-NVIDIA", JP Morgan says these two US stocks benefit the mostWin10 用户注意,AMD 确认锐龙 AI 300 系列移动处理器放弃对该系统支持iPod nano 附体,苹果带触控屏 AirPods 专利公示:可控音频、支持旋转手势“边缘云第一股” 云工场火热招股,百倍 EDA 易达云后又一家云港股 IPO!With sales of hundreds of billions and restarting land purchases, has Vanke come back to life?