Prospect | MEITUAN-W's first-quarter takeaway profits may exceed expectations! The "Douyin quick battle" is slowing down, and the recovery of in-store services is accelerating.NVIDIA leads the AI wave, with stock prices reaching historic highs!股价双双跳水!长城举报了比亚迪,车市又见” 激战 “特斯拉 4 月英国销量同比飙升近 15 倍US Stock Options | Xiaopeng and NIO options trading volume increased by about three times, Apple and Amazon Call trading remained active.Q2 营收指引大超预期 英伟达或创下美股市值单日涨幅纪录衰退阴霾压顶,高分红的价值股也留不住欧美投资者喊着 “上闲鱼能赚钱”,闲鱼自己如何赚钱?58 同城开始裁员,裁员比例约 30%-50%AI chip sales exploded, with a 30% surge in after-hours trading! Nvidia's performance, guidance, and stock price are all "exploding".终于,市场开始 “紧张” 美国违约了吗?华尔街环保先锋——摩根大通大举押注碳减排分析师上调微软目标价:AI 将帮助微软云业务击败亚马逊英伟达股价上演史诗级暴涨!看图:英伟达今年股价表现优于同类股 市值达英特尔的六倍多香港股市:恒指急泻 2.1% 至近半年低位,美债危机阴云重挫风险情绪最火的风口!最 “纯” 的 “生成式 AI” ETF 来了英伟达 “震撼”,AI 股全线起飞,“爆涨” 3000 亿美元!Netflix 港台打击共享账户 非同住者每月额外收费 28 元瑞银董事长:银行业系统性危机已经结束Breakfast | Fed officials have different opinions on whether to pause rate hikes in June, Nvidia sparks AI concept stock frenzy.心理学减肥拥趸 Noom 转型,纳入处方药配合瘦身美国经济接下来怎么走?这是顶级公司 CEO 们的看法MEDIA-中国爱奇艺再次考虑在香港第二上市的计划 -- 彭博新闻Meta 开始实施最后一轮裁员 约 6000 人受影响AI 热潮意外给力!英伟达 Q1 收入优于预期,指引较预期高 53%,盘后涨近 30% 创新高债务谈判恐慌令道指连跌四日,中概指数半年最低,超短期美债收益率涨穿 7%美联储会议纪要:6 月暂停加息存分歧,银行业影响很不确定,行动取决于数据小摩之后新的白衣骑士来了?苏世民:黑石正在洽购美国区域性银行资产耶伦:重申最早 6 月 1 日无钱可用,没为违约事件做准备下月亮相 iOS 17 新技能曝光:锁屏 iPhone 变身智能显示器AI 14 问:大模型的终局是什么?如何做好职业选择?“奢侈茅” 崩了让分析师开始冷静:欧股创纪录利润预期” 不可持续”小米电话会:高端化成果显现 AI 发展需要与业务深度结合达利欧:5 年后,世界会完全不同Nvidia's financial report is coming soon: Will artificial intelligence dominate everything?Following in Apple's footsteps, is Tesla building a new factory in India?卖一辆亏一辆,Q1 小鹏毛利率 3 年来再转负Is buying Alibaba a "mistake"? A 40 billion hedge fund increased its holdings in Microsoft and Texas Instruments in the first quarter!小米 Q1 净利润远超预期 毛利率创历史新高 入局 AI 大模型竞赛 | 财报见闻Pre-market US stocks | Debt ceiling negotiations continue tonight, Zhu Xiaotong increases holdings of Tesla stocks, Cainiao denies large-scale layoffs.Financial report is out | XPENG-W drops more than 5% in pre-market trading! Q1 revenue almost halved, Q2 guidance significantly below expectations.海通证券澄清:昆明城投有关会议纪要非海通发布 外部参会人员言论仅代表其个人