AI 浪潮下的另一个大赢家:甲骨文!Text generates music! Meta has just released the "ChatGPT of the Music World", and it's still "open source"!较去年低点涨逾 20%,越南股市收盘或创年内新高特斯拉 12 连涨,除了无人驾驶,它也是核心因素重磅周前美股 “牛气冲天”! 资金无惧消息面重压疯狂涌入比亚迪执行副总裁李柯:因《通胀削减法案》,美国市场不在目前考虑范围内“AGI 政治家” 奥特曼?恒生科技翻红,软件、内房股走高,合景泰富涨近 8%* 美银证券降华虹半导体评级至「跑输大市」目标价下调至 20 元谷歌 “赚钱机器” 引发欧盟反垄断指控 或面临 80 亿欧元罚款马斯克回应 “人工智能拯救世界”:我们已经是半机器人了RS MACALLINE Sells Itself and Rises AgainIntel Is In Talks To Be An Anchor Investor In Chip Designer Arm'S IPO - Bloomberg NewsWood Sister holds heavy positions in these four AI stocks, expecting Tesla to rise by 750%.Isolated signs of capital market recovery seen by CEOs of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley - is spring coming to Wall Street?瑞银:下调苹果股票评级至中性辉瑞一骑绝尘,罗氏跌出前五,恒瑞一朝回到三年前,2023 全球制药 50 强几家欢喜几家愁?早餐 | 美股大小盘齐飞,特斯拉 12 连涨,AI 业务刺激甲骨文股价爆发创始人身价超越巴菲特15 英寸 MacBookAir 开售,10499 元起韦德布什:人工智能推动科技股走向 “1995 时刻”,下半年或飙升 10-12%美国 5 月 CPI 今晚公布 花旗警告债券交易员将再次高估通胀美国 IVP 风投机构普通合伙人罗维罗:美初创企业面临 “大规模灭绝事件”,可能迎来倒闭潮人工智能冲击,美国在线教育龙头 Chegg 股价腰斩后宣布裁员 4%台积电海外扩张,困难一个个出现币安美国:美国 SEC 寻求资产冻结之举将令公司陷入困境AI 狂潮下的造富运动,甲骨文创始人身价超过巴菲特和盖茨The S&P 500 hit a more than one-year high, Tesla rose for the 12th consecutive day, Apple hit a new high, and oil prices fell by 4%.Four companies announced in one day that they will adopt Tesla's charging standard, moving towards "global unification"!Dalio: US bonds are a very risky investment, AI is wonderful and dangerous皇冠上的明珠:如何理解宏观对冲策略?Over 8 billion fines are not enough! EU regulators may take action against Alphabet-C again, this time targeting the core business of advertising.1.4 trillion US dollars "firepower" in hand, global pharmaceutical companies are starting a wave of mergers and acquisitions!The Buffett Effect of Western Petroleum: More Solid Stock Prices, Lower Volatility690 billion dollar acquisition is still uncertain? US FTC may take action again, applying for a ban to prevent Microsoft's acquisition of Blizzard.澄清!关于网传我光伏从业者在德被带走的消息多有不实Google and OpenAI limit A.I. chatbots in Hong Kong amid China tensions, report says美联储决策周,美股高开,特斯拉 12 日连涨,美油跳水跌超 4%After three months of silence, American retail investors are back in the game."Wall Street King" losing its charm? Goldman Sachs faces wave of resignations35 亿美元收购达成!Chinook 暴涨 56%,2000 亿医药巨头再扩充产品线UBS "takes the lead": sets more than 20 "red lines" to prevent cultural pollution in Credit Suisse.蔚来大幅降价后,华尔街纷纷下调目标价及评级美股盘前 | 特斯拉空头 11 天巨亏 60 亿美元,小鹏 G6 三天预订超 2.5 万,多机构下调蔚来目标价港股下半年:长期底部已过,风险或集中在四季度Hang Seng Index and Hang Seng TECH Index closed higher, with photovoltaic stocks surging in the afternoon. XPENG-W rose more than 11%.中国证监会与香港证监会在香港举行高层会议国泰君安国际:美联储或 “跳过” 加息 但不能越过通胀的山丘