长安突围,比亚迪封神,国产汽车对合资巨头的逆袭之战杰富瑞集团:大幅上调理想汽车目标价至 235.01 港元 评级买入Luxury industry sees another major merger and acquisition! Coach plans to acquire MK and the parent company of Versace, announced as early as today.A Comprehensive Look | What is the Impact of Biden's Investment Restrictions on the Chinese Market?Panic hasn't arrived yet! Why won't Nvidia, which has fallen below the 50-day moving average, continue to decline?外交部发言人就美国总统拜登签署对华投资限制行政令答记者问牵手阿斯利康关键:康希诺 “空置产能” 重回用武之地* 瑞信上调理想汽车目标价至 55 美元 上季业绩胜预期* 大摩相信理想汽车股价 15 日内跑赢行业新加坡股市 8 日报:李宁 5 倍做多权证被大规模抛售亚马逊为卖家提供生成式 AI 工具生成产品文案蔚小理业绩回暖,但产能依然是问题摆个摊,海底捞也杀入夜市!网红城市纷纷入局,“夜市经济” 到底有多火?美国最高法院裁定苹果公司可以暂时保留 App Store 的支付规则大多头预测美股年底前还能涨 20%,逐一驳斥五大看空论点英伟达市值一夜暴跌 3700 亿可控核聚变:初探商业化进展Sweetie becomes Mrs. Bull? "Metaverse Benchmark" Roblox's profit falls short of expectations, closing down 20%.迪士尼第三季获利略超预期,CEO 称短期内面临 “充满挑战的环境”商务部新闻发言人就美发布对外投资审查行政令答记者问迪士尼将大幅上调 Disney+ 及 Hulu 流媒体服务的价格MEDIA-Meta is rehiring some of the thousands of workers it's laid off - Insider郭明錤不认可 “甜心交易” 报道:苹果按成品方式采购台积电芯片The heavyweight CPI of the United States is coming, which serves as the "trading guide" for Wall Street's major banks.王传福 “卖惨”:多次哽咽 称比亚迪曾差点撑不下去也坚持研发NASDAQ Composite Index fell 1%, WeWork plunged 38% to a new low, US oil at a nine-month high, European natural gas jumped 40% intraday.US stocks have been falling for consecutive days, and the "reinforcements" have arrived!Be cautious! The wave of bankruptcies in the US new energy vehicle start-up companies may be coming.Japan's central bank "butterfly effect" impact how big? Nomura: There may be over 100 billion US dollars flowing back to Japan, US bonds most affected.美股高开低走,一小时内全线转跌,中概多数上涨,欧洲天然气跳涨 40%法巴资产管理:美股回调正是买入时机Key Points of Alibaba's Earnings Report: Will E-commerce Impress in Q2?Stagflation risk reemerges! Analysts: US stocks may fall 10%比亚迪第 500 辆新能源车下线,王传福谈往事激动哽咽"Rising Agricultural Inflation" Approaching? Asian Rice Prices Soar to Nearly 15-Year High, Multiple Countries Halt ExportsDisney's earnings report is coming soon, and it has just entered the gambling industry through ESPN.40 年来反垄断第一大案!谷歌是否会被肢解?下月揭晓26-month secret to earning 20 times: "CANSLIM" stock selection investment rulesPre-market US stocks | Upstart, WeWork down 18%! Former CFO of Tesla sells $6 million in stocks, Amazon plans to participate in Arm IPO.Analysis Report | Ideal and Lai's target price significantly raised! Is there still a 50% upside for MEITUAN-W?Microsoft, Alphabet-C, Amazon! Why has the most pessimistic moment for the software sector in the US stock market already passed?美的集团:正在对境外发行证券并上市事项进行前期论证Hang Seng Index closed higher, with a rebound in biopharmaceuticals and a decline in new energy vehicles, as Ideal Motors dropped more than 5%.被散户逼空,对冲基金传奇 Dan Loeb 也 “投降” 了前瞻 | 腾讯广告业务关键词:“视频号”“增长”!但未来还看 AI