何小鹏:MONA 车型是小鹏第二品牌、第三品牌的开始 年销量预期至少 10 万辆以上南向资金净流入超 30 亿元XPENG-WDiDi "marriage": XPENG-W manufacturing cars, DiDi operatingXPENG-W and DiDi's Collaboration Details王文涛会见美国商务部长雷蒙多Hong Kong Stock Market | XPENG-W Soars Over 14% and Forms Strategic Partnership with DiDi, Officially Entering the Multi-Brand Strategy PhaseEVERGRANDE resumes trading with a 86.7% opening drop.EVERGRANDE creditors voted today in Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands on the restructuring plan.小鹏汽车:滴滴将成为小鹏汽车的战略股东,首批股份的锁定期为 24 个月历史首次!调降融资保证金 “活跃资本市场”,国君:政策效果大有可期小鹏汽车:拟 58.35 亿元收购滴滴智能汽车开发业务资产Breakfast | Hong Kong government studies increasing liquidity of Hong Kong stocks, halving transaction stamp duty coverage of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Connect.FENGXIANG CO plans to issue a maximum of approximately 183 million shares to two investors for subscription, raising a net amount of approximately HKD 272 million.投资大佬警告:市场狂热超过互联网泡沫时,未来几年美股或下跌 30%港交所:沪股通及深股通下交易印花税调整兴业证券:印花税调降后市场表现有何特征?Everyone is asking when the "bond market storm" will end? In this sensitive moment, the Governor of the Bank of Japan speaks out: We will maintain an accommodative policy!摩根士丹利:预计 7 月核心 PCE 将小幅反弹,但仍低于今年早些时候CSC: Merger of Two AI Labs under Alphabet-C Expected to Further Accelerate Progress in Robot Models滴滴造车 VP 投身大模型创业,瞄准交通领域,红杉已投天使Is SoftBank's Masayoshi Son going to "add fuel to the fire" for AI by spending $50 billion in the next few years?香港特区政府成立小组研究如何增加股票市场流动性Qualcomm: Running large models on mobile chips, this will be the "Holy Grail"NVIDIA says data center upgrade spending will reach $1 trillion in the next four years, but the question is: Who will foot the bill?NVIDIA is indeed powerful, and Powell didn't flip the table, but the debate over whether AI is still viable has become more intense.Overseas technology industry has two major focuses: "the monopolistic NVIDIA" and "the opening of the IPO window" for Arm.鲍威尔在 2023 年杰克逊霍尔会议上的演讲全文(中英对照)US "super unicorn" DataBricks' valuation raised again! The company is in talks for financing at a valuation of $43 billion.鲍威尔震动市场,美股 V 形反转,美债一度闪崩,英伟达财报周涨超 6%Bank of America: Tightening monetary policy will overshadow the AI boom and bring trouble to the stock market.What signal does Powell's heavyweight speech convey? The whistleblowers of high inflation in the United States and the "old bond king" summarize the implicit meaning.In the midst of bullish sentiment, Guo Mingji from Tianfeng International poured cold water on NVIDIA, while Wooden Sister also sold at high prices.EVERGRANDE temporarily lifts delisting crisis! Application for resumption of trading next Monday, EVERGRANDE's three listed companies will fully resume trading.利润同比增长 258%!蚂蚁基金业绩增速领跑代销巨头NVIDIA is very powerful, but it is also unable to counter the actions of the Federal Reserve.极氪科技完成境外上市备案,拟在纽交所上市Is it the turn for value stocks after the explosive rise of technology growth stocks this year?行业整体仍处库存消化阶段 中芯国际上半年净利润同比下降 34.1% | 财报见闻“零售之王” 招行:上半年净利润增长 9.12%,净利息收入逆势增长Pre-market US stocks | Powell to deliver a major speech tonight, LI AUTO-W to release MEGA electric vehicle model in December李强主持召开国务院常务会议 审议通过《医药工业高质量发展行动计划(2023-2025 年)》《医疗装备产业高质量发展行动计划(2023-2025 年)》和《关于规划建设保障性住房的指导意见》Analysis Report | CLOUD MUSIC and Kuaishou's target prices raised after their performance! MEITUAN-WR faces "bargaining", but still manages to rise by 40%?