Big Bank Quick Look | MEITUAN-WR, BIDU-SWR, CLOUD MUSIC! Target prices all raised! LEAPMOTOR faces significant "price cut"How can we improve the liquidity of Hong Kong stocks besides reducing stamp duty?Technical Analysis | Are US stock valuations too high, but with limited downside potential? Southbound funds may start bottom fishing in Hong Kong stocks! 桥水中国:我们没有看空中国股票 对中国资产依然较为乐观Is NVIDIA too expensive? No! Its valuation is lower than in January this year.In a world where the real interest rate is 2%, is a P/E ratio of 19 reasonable? This is the "high dividend dilemma" in the US stock market.互联网这个行业,从来就不存在简单粗暴的规律财政部、税务总局:延续实施个人所得税综合所得汇算清缴有关政策Hong Kong stock market's bottom support line has once again withstood the test! Why is the market so resilient?蚂蚁集团:通过 “蚂蚁森林” 累计协议捐资 34.65 亿元US Stock Options | Trading volume of Nvidia and Boeing options doubles, Affirm options surge fivefoldEffect at its peak! Live streaming with Musk showcasing Tesla's autonomous driving, "roaming the streets" to challenge Zuckerberg one-on-one!Hong Kong Dollar Interest Rates Fall Across the Board for 3 Consecutive Days, Overnight Interest Rates Drop Below 2%AI 要被卡脖子了?训练大模型的数据或在 2026 年耗尽多个重磅事件来袭,美股 9 月反弹面临考验小鹏和滴滴,到底谁更需要谁?中国中免,何以复苏恒大开盘成 “仙” 目前港股内房股 “仙股” 扎堆,大约有 80 只地产股是 “仙股”XPENG-W + DiDi: Annual sales of new car MONA to reach at least 100,000, discussion underway for the second model!花旗微降美团目标价至 214 港元 评级买入郭台铭宣布参加 2024 年台湾地区领导人选举Chinese assets across the board surged! XPENG-W soared 12%, brokerage stocks exploded, and Hang Seng Technology rose over 3%!何小鹏:MONA 车型是小鹏第二品牌、第三品牌的开始 年销量预期至少 10 万辆以上南向资金净流入超 30 亿元XPENG-WDiDi "marriage": XPENG-W manufacturing cars, DiDi operatingXPENG-W and DiDi's Collaboration Details王文涛会见美国商务部长雷蒙多Hong Kong Stock Market | XPENG-W Soars Over 14% and Forms Strategic Partnership with DiDi, Officially Entering the Multi-Brand Strategy PhaseEVERGRANDE resumes trading with a 86.7% opening drop.EVERGRANDE creditors voted today in Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands on the restructuring plan.小鹏汽车:滴滴将成为小鹏汽车的战略股东,首批股份的锁定期为 24 个月历史首次!调降融资保证金 “活跃资本市场”,国君:政策效果大有可期小鹏汽车:拟 58.35 亿元收购滴滴智能汽车开发业务资产Breakfast | Hong Kong government studies increasing liquidity of Hong Kong stocks, halving transaction stamp duty coverage of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Connect.FENGXIANG CO plans to issue a maximum of approximately 183 million shares to two investors for subscription, raising a net amount of approximately HKD 272 million.投资大佬警告:市场狂热超过互联网泡沫时,未来几年美股或下跌 30%港交所:沪股通及深股通下交易印花税调整兴业证券:印花税调降后市场表现有何特征?Everyone is asking when the "bond market storm" will end? In this sensitive moment, the Governor of the Bank of Japan speaks out: We will maintain an accommodative policy!摩根士丹利:预计 7 月核心 PCE 将小幅反弹,但仍低于今年早些时候CSC: Merger of Two AI Labs under Alphabet-C Expected to Further Accelerate Progress in Robot Models滴滴造车 VP 投身大模型创业,瞄准交通领域,红杉已投天使Is SoftBank's Masayoshi Son going to "add fuel to the fire" for AI by spending $50 billion in the next few years?