贝壳翻越第二座山瑞银:中国股市可能已经触底8 月全球热门移动游戏收入 TOP10:腾讯《王者荣耀》蝉联冠军快手自研文生图大模型 “可图” 正式登场Durable Entertainment is not "durable," what are the difficulties in listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange?CEO suddenly resigns, will there be any changes to the "Tencent major shareholder" reduction plan?AI Sets off a New Wave? OpenAI Rushes to Release "Multimodal" Large Model before Google Gemini超万户抢 718 套房!深圳新房再现 “万人摇”王兴减持理想汽车,4 天累计套现 3.1 亿港元Breakfast | Ant Group becomes the second largest shareholder of Korean payment giant, Microsoft AI team leaks a large amount of dataFor the past one hundred days, the U.S. stock market has not experienced a daily decline of more than 1.5%. Is this the calm before the storm?Contrary to Goldman Sachs, Goldman Sachs predicts that the Tesla price war will continue unabated, lowering profit expectations, causing the latter's stock to fall more than 3%.Tesla to build a new factory in Saudi Arabia? Musk denounces the report as completely fake news!标普纳指低开后转涨,中概指数跌幅显著收窄,离岸人民币跌超 200 点鲍威尔又要搬出陈词滥调?市场仍不能掉以轻心!存量房贷利率调降在即,银行积极备战Slapping the bears? The Apple iPhone 15 series continues to sell well, with even higher average selling prices!What industry does Wall Street favor the most as the fourth quarter approaches?Wall Street questions the prospects of Arm, will SoftBank sell it?Pre-market US stocks | "Doomsday Doctor" predicts a possible 10% drop in US stocks, Apple iPhone 15 series selling well in ChinaThe Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Conducting research on application standards for industrial metaverse, urban metaverse, virtual digital humans, etc.The Federal Reserve is unlikely to raise interest rates this week, but could the US stock market still decline?The yen's downward trend shows no signs of stopping as Japanese people scramble to buy gold.Is a Reversal Coming? The Most Underperforming Sector in the US Stock Market This Year is Severely OversoldGoldman Sachs: Inverted yield curve does not necessarily mean a recession in the United States, because "this time is different"Bearish positions plummet! Hedge funds shift to bullish on the US dollar ahead of the Federal Reserve meeting.After the successful IPO of Arm, "American version of Meituan" Instacart has also arrived.US Stock Options | Active Trading in Bearish Options for NVIDIA and AMD, Surge in Put Options for Ford and General Motors【大涨解读】无人驾驶:国内外多重催化刺激,自动驾驶大涨,机构称正迎来三大拐点E-commerce Industry Differentiation: Pinduoduo Takes the Lead, Alibaba and JD.com Catching Up?中金:中美周期当前所处位置阿里巴巴集团计划在土耳其投资 20 亿美元央行主管媒体:物价触底回升 人民币汇率形成后续支撑Tesla's 5 millionth vehicle rolls off line at Shanghai plantThe Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index hit a new low for the year, while the hotel and catering industries remained active. The automobile, communication, and military industries saw the largest declines, while the real estate sector continued to slide.软银 CEO 孙正义希望继续在 AI 领域投资数百亿美元 OpenAI 为潜在投资对象What are the new changes in the first-tier real estate market after the implementation of the policy 'Recognize the Property, Not the Loan'?If the American automobile workers win the major strike, will the "four-day workweek" become mainstream in the United States?The market doesn't want more rate hikes, but economists think otherwise.居民,这次会加杠杆吗?